Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Politik (Archiv) / 2020020200

Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Anfrage mehrerer UN-Sonderberichterstatter bzgl. der Einschränkung der Grundrechte durch die Anti-BDS-Resolution des deutschen Bundestags [02.02.2020]

Die Zensur ist das 'Argument' der Diktatur Auf Anfrage mehrerer UN-Sonderberichterstatter bzgl. der Frage nach der Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit und anderer Grundrechte durch die Anti-BDS-Resolution des deutschen Bundestags hat die Bundesregierung geantwortet. Das vollständige Dokument finden Sie hier wieder.

Zitat: At the outset, it should be noted that as a principle, mere political motions adopted by the German Bundestag cannot – as such - impair individual rights, as they do not affect the rights of an individual. Rather, specific decisions by a governmental body (e.g., a German city or municipality) on requests by supporters of the BDS movement for financial support or for the use of facilities could have such an effect.

If, however, in the context of BDS activities or purported affiliation with BDS, an individual or group perceives his or her rights violated by such an individual decision, it is always possible to take legal action. It is then the responsibility of the German judiciary to determine whether the activities in question are within the scope of the a forementioned rights and whether they were violated.


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