Institut für Palästinakunde
- IPK -

Start / Politik (Archiv 2014) / 2014120400

Why I Was Censored from Talking About Israel In Germany [04.12.2014]

Why I Was Censored from Talking About Israel In Germany Max Blumenthal: Eine sehr ausführliche und durchdachte Analyse seines Zusammentreffens mit der deutschen Linken, der Linkspartei und deren Vorsitzenden.

I arrived in Germany formally invited by members of a political party to speak about my reporting during the Gaza war. I left the country branded an anti-Semite and an insane scofflaw. With machine-like efficiency, German media cast me and my Jewish Israeli journalist colleague, David Sheen, as violent Jew haters, never veering from the script written for them by a strange American neoconservative working for an organization subsidized by far-right-wing casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, nor bothering to ask either of us for comment. Slandered as anti-Semites, we sought to meet with the left-wing politician who felt compelled to engineer the campaign to suppress our speech: Die Linke party chairman Gregor Gysi. …

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Ergänzende Links:
Wenn Rechte sich als Linke tarnen (nhrz)
Chapeau Max Blumenthal und David Sheen! (btl)

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