Institut für Palästinakunde
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International Headlines [30.12.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Reuters Factbox: Al-Qaeda-inspired groups in Hamas-ruled Gaza ( / The Hamdan family (palsolidarity) / 1 killed as Israel shells Gaza (maan) / Witnesses: Israeli tanks shell eastern Gaza Strip (maan) / Egyptian medical aid convoy enters Gaza (pal-info) / Gaza's tunnels unleash building boom (ynet)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid & Freiheitsberaubung: Israel denies entry to American PNN editor, soldiers arrest PNN reporter in Nablus (pnn) / Israel to take over Palestinian land near Bethlehem (wafa) / Israeli bulldozers demolish house in Naqab village (wafa) / France condemns Israeli decision to build 130 new housing units (wafa) / Absentee landowners? West Bank landowners can't get to their land (catholicnews) / UK condemns Israel's 'provocative' plans in Jerusalem (maan) / Israel isolates 125,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem (mideastmon) / Israel could demand compensation for Jewish property in Arab lands (mideastmon) / Occupation gives notice of demolition of 13 homes and confiscation of 160 dunams (pal-info) / MKs eye hurdles against outpost eviction (ynet)

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International Headlines [29.12.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: 29 December 2008: Balousha family (palsolidarity) / Israel 'will launch significant Gaza offensive sooner or later' (gdn) / Rizka: Abbas received $35m for Gaza reconstruction (pal-info)
Gewalt & Terror: Israel navy attempts to capsize international monitoring boat off Gaza, injures captain (ei) / Israel's impunity challenged by torture victim in Jerusalem (ei) / Israeli airstrike destroys Gaza training base (maan) / PLO: Israel killed 180 Palestinians including 21 children in 2011 (pal-info)

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International Headlines [27.12.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Three years ago: A "normal morning" turns to horror in Gaza (ei) / 27 December 2008: The Al Ashi family (palsolidarity) / Raw memories of war (palsolidarity) / Hamas commemorates third anniversary of Gaza war (maan)
Gewalt & Siedler: 22 Dec. '11: Video: Border policeman in Hebron cocks weapon and threatens child (btselem) / IDF opposes plan to try Jewish extremists in military courts (haa) / PA official responds to settler threats (maan) / Jewish settlers and soldiers storm Tomb of Yusuf (pal-info) / Palestinian child wounded in IOF shooting in central Gaza (pal-info)
Das Israel, über das Sie nichts in der Zeitung lesen können: Israel’s Propaganda Minister: Arabs are a deplorable nation (972mag) / "When they rape you don’t object": Israeli "satire" show incites hatred of Muslims (ei) / Rabbis maintaining 'disturbing silence' amid uproar over gender segregation (haa) / MK Demands Firing MK’s Who Refuse To Recognize Israel As Jewish State (imc) / Minister Yishai: Soccer also segregates sexes (ynet) / Haredi paper: PM betraying coalition partners (ynet) / Women's singing: Gantz proposes compromise (ynet)

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International Headlines [26.12.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Army radio instructed to call West Bank 'Judea and Samaria' (972mag) / The Israeli occupation the world forgot: the Golan Heights (972mag) / Arabic place names erased in Municipality's campaign to Hebrew-ize erusalem (silwan) / 70,000 Palestinian Jerusalemites to be reclassified as West Bank citizens (silwan) / report in Israel National News, (israelnationalnews) / The Atlantic published (theatlantic) / High Court rejects petition to freeze all Israeli mining in West Bank (ynet)
Siedler & Israelische Rechtsextremisten: Extremist Jewish groups break into Al-Aqsa Mosque yard (wafa) / Settlers attack Palestinian customs office in Hebron (wafa) / Settlers disrupt Palestinian wedding, five injured and four arrested (silwan) / Jewish settlers detain shepherd, threaten to kill anti-settlement activist (pal-info) / Barak admires PA security forces for protecting settlers (pal-info)

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International Headlines [23.12.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid: UN officially protests Israeli settlement in E1 area near Jerusalem (pnn) / Israeli intelligence warns Hatem Abdul Qader against meetings in Jerusalem (pnn) / Jerusalem municipality hands Palestinians demolishing orders (wafa) / Israeli bulldozers demolish two houses in Galilee (wafa) / West Bank Christians pray for threatened valley (yahoo) / JNF requests Sumrain family eviction delay (silwan) / Israel/OPT: Further information: Palestinian families face renewed demolitions (amnesty) / Israel MKs slam Jerusalem mayor for suggesting surrender of Palestinian neighborhoods (haa) / Israel gearing for effective separation of East Jerusalem Palestinians (haa) / Israel should relinquish Jerusalem's Palestinian neighborhoods (haa) / EU warns Israel against connecting Ma'ale Adumim with Jerusalem (imc) / Mayor: Israeli forces destroy wells (maan) / Palestinian residents of Bethlehem fear Israeli expansion (mcclatchydc) / 'Jerusalem bill' up for debate (ynet)

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International Headlines [20.12.2011]

International HeadlinesDiebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Flüchtlinge: Destruction of Waqf: The Grave Offences of the Israeli State (al-akhbar) / Lebanon’s Palestinian and Passing on Property: Inheriting Injustice (al-akhbar) / Memories of the First Intifada (lifeonbirzeitcampus) / Silwan residents fear crackdown over Christmas (silwan) / PA: Israeli forces demolish main road near Nablus (maan) / IOA bulldozers destroy Palestinian land in occupied Jerusalem (pal-info) / Occupation plan to demolish a hamlet in the Jordan valley (pal-info) / Friday Protests: “We are all Musatafa Tamimi“ (stopthewall)

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International Headlines [15.12.2011]

International HeadlinesMustafa Tamimi: I was Mustafa Tamimi (mweiss) / Tamimi was killed because of occupied village’s insistence on access to its only well (mweiss) / Lawless Israeli Oppression in Palestine: Shooting Mustafa Tamimi at Point Blank Range ( / EU’s Ashton condemns West Bank protester death (AFP) (khaleejtimes) / Egypt envoy pays respects to family of slain protester (maan)
Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Flüchtlinge: Khan Al-Ahmar: Forced expulsion of Bedouins from Area C (palsolidarity) / Narratives under siege: Overcrowded living (palsolidarity) / The collective punishment of Silwan (silwan) / Judaisation of the Negev has been ongoing since the Nakba (mideastmon) / Occupation authorities continue home demolition policy in the Negev (pal-info)

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International Headlines [11.12.2011]

International HeadlinesMustafa Tamimi: British Government Regrets Tragic Death of Palestinian in Nabi Saleh (wafa) / Israel Once Again Murders Unarmed Palestinian Protester (richardsilverstein) / Ministry of Hasbara: IDF Has Become Israel’s Chief Delegitimizer (richardsilverstein)
Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Ethnische Säuberung / Apartheid / Flüchtlinge: Childhood in Palestinian Art I: Abdulrahman Katanani (al-akhbar) / Ibrahim Nasrallah: All Roads Lead Back to Palestine (al-akhbar) / Wadi Hilweh under attack (silwan) / Seventeen settler families move into new Ras al-Amoud settlement (silwan) / Palestinian Group Marks 63rd Anniversary Of UN Resolution Calling For Right Of Return Of Refugees (imc) / France condemns new East Jerusalem settler homes (maan)

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International Headlines [07.12.2011]

International HeadlinesRaub und Diebstahl von Land und Eigentum & Ethnische Säuberung & Apartheid & Exil: Israel can never steal our heritage (ei) / PLO: 2,900 new settlement units and 8,900 stolen dunums in November (pnn) / Israeli bulldozers demolish house near Jerusalem (wafa) / In legal precedent, Israel court stops demolition of unrecognized Bedouin village (haa) / Israeli government approves first Bedouin ecovillage in Negev (haa) / Gas canister lands at mosque amid clashes near Hebron (maan) / Israel finishes barrier construction in Jerusalem (maan) / Palestinians denounce Israeli decision to expel MP (mideastmon) / MP Attoun: Banishing me from Jerusalem oppressive, I will go back (pal-info) / Legal opinion: No obligation to raze outposts (ynet)

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International Headlines [04.12.2011]

International HeadlinesRaub und Zerstörung von Land und Eigentum & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid & Freiheitsberaubung & Flüchtlinge: World bodies must act now to save Lifta (ei) / Nakba denial: ‘NYT’ removes the word ‘expulsion’ from article describing Palestinian refugees (mweiss) / ‘This is how they drove us out’–Tiberias’s exiles recall the Nakba (mweiss) / Latin Church In Beit Jala Holds Prayers On Lands Threatened By Wall (imc) / Israel Approves 650 Units In Pisgat Zeev Settlement (imc) / Committee: Israel rabbi plans new construction at Western Wall (maan) / Israel 'shuts Allenby crossing to Jordan' (maan) / Israeli forces 'close Hebron farmland' (maan) / Israeli academics condemn construction of Museum of Tolerance on Muslim cemetery (mideastmon)

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International Headlines [01.12.2011]

International HeadlinesRaub und Zerstörung von Land und Eigentum & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid & Freiheitsberaubung & Flüchtlinge: Lebanon's Palestinians Continue Their Descent, Franklin Lamb - Embassy of Palestine, Tripoli (palchron) / Demolition Order in Surif – 12 dunums land will be taken (palsoli) / A wave of demolitions as Israel targets the Jordan Valley (palsolidarity) / Sparking an international conversation about the Palestinian right of return (aic-news)

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International Headlines [27.11.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub und Zestörung & Ethnische Säuberung & Freiheitsberaubung & Palästinensische Kultur und Geschichte: Video: Israeli forces violently ethnically cleanse Bedouin homes in Beit Hanina (ei) / Report: Authorizing Settlers to Use 'Absentee' Land in Jerusalem Increases (wafa) / Facts show JNF behind eviction of Palestinian family in Silwan, East Jerusalem (settlementwatch) / The Israeli settlement groups of East Jerusalem are hard at work to establish their “Jewish ring” around Silwan and the Old City (silwan) / Right-wing NGO exposes extent of Israel's support of West Bank settlements (haa) / Israel temporarily closes northern West Bank checkpoint (maan) / OCHA: Israel persists in expelling Palestinians from their homes in O. J'lem (pal-info)

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International Headlines [24.11.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub, Diebstahl & Zerstörung & Ethn. Säuberung & Bedrohung palästinensischer Kultur und Geschichte: Family of 12 faces eviction in East Jerusalem (ei) / Al-Walajeh, a Village Soon Surrounded (pnn) / Demolition threats continue in Imnzeizil (palsolidarity) / Yishai calls for Israeli presence in Joseph's Tomb (ynet)
Flüchtlinge: Lebanon in the Eyes of Palestinian Refugees (al-akhbar)
Iraelischer Regime- & Siederterror gegen Palästinenser: Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinians with Impunity (sjlendman) / Israel: New Commander Should Protect Palestinians From Settler Violence (hrw) / IDF prepares for possible Gaza op (ynet)

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International Headlines [22.11.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub, Diebstahl & Zerstörung & Ethn. Säuberung & Bedrohung palästinensischer Kultur und Geschichte: In 1950, Doubleday censored frank account of Deir Yassin massacre from prominent American’s book (mweiss) / Study: Palestinians invest twice as much in Israel as they do in West Bank (haa) / Jewish settlers given green light to seize more Jerusalemite property (pal-info) / 'Dismantling Migron would dismantle coalition' (ynet)
Iraelische Regime- und Siedergewalt & Drohungen: B'Tselem: 21 Nov. '11: Video: Soldiers let settlers assault Palestinian demonstrators (btselem) / IDF soldier jailed 10 days for throwing stone at Palestinia (haa)

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International Headlines [20.11.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Oh Little Town of Bethlehem – Life on the Checkpoints (mideastposts) / Imneizil demolitions: “Hanging between the ground and the sky” (palsolidarity) / On Forcing Palestinians Out of East Jerusalem (antiwar) / Study: “Palestinian Businessmen Invested $2.5 B. In Settlements, Israel (imc) / Report: “Palestinian Village Condemned To Live In Darkness” (imc) / UNESCO could boost Palestinian cultural presence in Jerusalem (maan) / Jerusalem mosque expanding illegally (ynet)

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International Headlines [17.11.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub und Zerstörung & Ethnische Säuberung & Palästinensische Kultur und Geschichte: Urgent: Stop Home Demolitions in Al Hadidiye (endtheoccupation) / The Bedouin struggle for water in the Jordan Valley (mweiss) / Municipality earmarks Palestinian land for park in Silwan (silwan) / Palestinian land in Wadi Hilweh to be converted to Municipal park (silwan) / Include Silwan settlements in visiting dignitaries’ tours (silwan) / AICafe 15.11.11: Palestinian independence from 1988-2011, a discussion with Dr. Mohammed Naem Ferhat (aic-news) / AICafe 19.11.11: discussion with Dr. Adnan Musallam, Bethlehem University history professor (aic-news) / Israel stalling release of report proving West Bank outpost built on Palestinian land (haa) / Lawmakers to debate bill forcing Israeli government to approve settlement construction (haa) / The Independent: Jewish settlements are encroaching on Palestinian territory (pal-info) / Russia and France slam Israel's settlement expansion in O. Jerusalem (pal-info) / Israeli housing ministry to build 5000 new housing units in OJ (pal-info) / Haaretz: The Israeli gov't hid a report against illegal Derech Ha'avot outpost (pal-info) / AFEH documents the digging of more graves at Ma'manullah cemetery (pal-info) / Israel to build 2,000 West Bank apartments (ynet)

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intidada 34: Vom Tahrir-Platz nach Europa [13.11.2011]

intidada 34: Vom Tahrir-Platz nach Europa Der lange Weg zum Volk - Die syrische Opposition auf dem Scheideweg +++ "Syrischer Aufstand braucht zivilen Schutz, keine Intervention" - Soubhi Hadidi im Gespräch +++ Stellungskrieg in Kairo - Arabische Aufstände und die Krise der ägyptischen Opposition +++ Ägypten verlässt den Westen - Reisebericht aus einem Land im Umbruch +++ „Die nächste Revolution wird sozial sein“ - Abdelhalim Qandil im Gespräch +++ Revolution in den Mühen der Ebene - Wie der tunesische Aufstand weitergeht +++ „Die tunesische Linke bleibt bei ihrer Familie“ - Kein Dialog zwischen Linker und Islamisten +++ Einheitsfront der Opposition unmöglich? - Politische Beobachtungen aus Tunesien +++ Syrien darf nicht Libyen werden - „Nato-Bodentruppen“ sind keine Rebellen

International Headlines [13.11.2011]

International HeadlinesGefangene Kinder & Politische Gefangene & Gefangenenaustausch: Israeli navy kidnaps two Palestinian children and uncle fishing in Gazan waters (palsolidarity) / Kufr Qaddoum: In the footsteps of an unwarranted arrest (palsolidarity) / Alternative Information Center academic arrested (silwan) / Two youth arrested in Silwan (silwan) / Youth arrested in Bir Ayyub (silwan) / Israeli forces 'stop funeral' near Hebron (maan) / Family says students detained while picking olives in Salfit (maan) / Palestinian captives transferred to hospital as his health deteriorates (pal-info) / Occupation renews administrative detention of Asfour for eighth time (pal-info) / Israel in breach of prisoner swap deal (
Israelische Gewalt gegen Palästinenser und int. Aktivisten: As B’TSelem documents shooting of man (palsolidarity) / Nabi Saleh Protest Organizer Shot in Face at Weekly Protest (imc) / Injuries Reported at Five Non-Violent Protests; Multiple Arrests (imc) / IOF troops open machinegun fire at Palestinian farms in southern Gaza on Saturday (pal-info) / Palestinians, foreign activists hurt in IOF crackdown (pal-info) / Israeli occupation gunboats fire at fishing boats opposite Gaza (pal-info) / Violent clashes following Israeli violent raid on Silwan (pal-info)

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International Headlines [11.11.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Campaign: Parliamentarians set to visit Gaza (maan)
Israels Unrechtsjustiz: Border Guard officer gets 3 months in jail for abusing Palestinian minor (ynet)
Israelische Gewalt & Aggressionen & Drohungen: Settlers Spray 10-year-old with Gas (pnn) / Likud MK Danon: Destroy Gaza neighborhoods for every rocket fired (mweiss) / IDF kills Israeli, wounds two others in accidental West Bank shooting (haa)
Politische Gefangene und Aktivisten: Israeli Forces Arrest Three near Jenin (pnn) / Hamas: Israel to release remaining Palestinian female prisoners after Shalit deal (haa) / Israel still detaining 21 foreign solidarity activists (pal-info) / Veteran Shalit swap prisoner detained for questioning (ynet)

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International Headlines [03.11.2011]

International HeadlinesLand-, Besitz, Resourcen-Raub & Zerstörung & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid Freiheitsberaubung: Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees: 3.5 Olive Trees Destroyed Per Hour in 2011 (pnn) / Jerusalem Demolitions Leave 71 People Homeless (pnn) / Setters Burn a Tractor in Nablus (imc) / IOA services demolition notices to five families in Silwan (pal-info) / Faiez: the story of a Palestinian farmer (stopthewall)
Gaza: Palestinian Couple Marry after 18 Years of Groom’s Captivity (al-akhbar) / History of Israeli blockade on Gaza (alj) / Palestinian Killed By Electric Shock In Rafah Tunnel (imc) / Egypt 'will not allow' new war on Gaza (maan) / Israeli air forces kill 2 in north Gaza (maan) / Gaza: Women die waiting - an appeal (salem)

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International Headlines [2.11.2011]

International Headlines

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International Headlines [30.10.2011]

International HeadlinesLand-, Besitz, Resourcen-Raub & Zerstörung & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid Freiheitsberaubung: Exclusive: Leaked emails show Israel role in UK plot to ban Raed Salah (ei) / Israel finds new "home" for Bedouins: a garbage dump (ei) / Parents: Remove mobile towers near Bethlehem school (maan)
Israelische Angriffe auf Gaza: Israeli airstrikes kill nine Palestinians (alj) / The Israeli Army shot at me and 3 Palestinian kids in Gaza today (notesfrombehindtheblockade) / Israeli army shoots at children and two ISM activists (palsolidarity) / Egyptian efforts at Gaza cease-fire fail (AP) (yahoo) / 2 Fighters Killed In Gaza; 9 in Less Than 24 hours, One Israeli Killed In Asqalan (imc) / Despite Declared Ceasefire; Israel Bombards Several Areas In Gaza (imc) / Medics: Palestinian injured east of Rafah (maan) / Fatah says Israel wants to start 'cycle of violence' (maan)

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International Headlines [28.10.2011]

International HeadlinesBesatzungsterror: Asil Arara, 4, paralyzed in four limbs after being shot in neck by Israeli army (pnn) / PCHR: Israeli blockade limits Gazan fishing potential by 85% (pnn) / Israeli forces declare area near Bethlehem closed military zone (wafa) / Israeli soldiers raid Balata refugee camp in Nablus (wafa) / Funeral procession in Beit Ommar led to shooting of tear gas (palsoli) / PCHR weekly report: 13 abducted in 58 separate incursions this week; settlers attack olive harvest (imc) / Press release: Israeli army raid (operationdove) / Israeli navy detains two Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Gaza (pal-info) / Link to Palestinian Information Center (pal-info) / Link to Palestinian Information Center (pal-info) / Palestinian shepherd wounded in IOF shooting (pal-info) / Full report (pchrgaza)

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International Headlines [27.10.2011]

International HeadlinesBDS & Solidarität & Aktivismus: "Jesus, Justice, Palestine-Israel: Challenging the Politics of Empire" (endtheoccupation) / forum (metrolutheran) / DAM is touring the US – and needs your help to finish their 2nd album (mweiss) / Minneapolis panel pitting Zionist and anti-Zionist Jews gets no media attention (mweiss) / Iran chess player disqualified after refusing to play against Israeli (haa) / New Ben Gurion Airport Fly-In planned for April 2012 (kibush) / Visit Palestine, it Makes a World of Difference (kibush) / BDS Victory: Alstom loses Saudi Haramain Railway contract worth $10B (mideastmon) / Don't Collaborate with Apartheid (stopthewall)
Gefangenenaustausch: In pictures: the liberated prisoners (silwan) / Hamas official: Shalit was not beaten while in captivity (haa) / P.A. Demands The Release Of 550 Detainees (imc) / Report: Israeli spy suspect arrives at Egypt-Israel border (maan) / Egyptian detainees transferred to Beersheba prison in preparation for exchange (mideastmon) / Diskin: Swap deals bad for Israel (ynet) / Report: Grapel deal includes US F-16 sale to Egypt (ynet) / Jonathan Pollard: Shalit release gives me hope (ynet)

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International Headlines [25.10.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub & Diebstahl & Zerstörung & Ethnische Säuberung & Auslöschung von Kultur und Geschichte: Hebron teachers protest measures that keep them from school (972mag) / Ahead of UNESCO Meeting, Archaeologists Demand Protection for Mamilla Cemetery (pnn) / World condemns Israelâ€s Jerusalem landgrab, while US says it is â€within the frame of our policy concern†(mweiss) / destroys the two-state solution (haa) / Israeli NGO: Elad group has 'veto' power over Jerusalem's City of David (haa) / Al-Barghouthi: â€There Should Be A Complete Cessation Of Settlement Construction, Not A Partial One†(imc) / Overdue Books: Returning Palestineâ€s â€Abandoned Property†of 1948 (jerusalemquarterly) / PLO 'not informed' of US proposal on settlement freeze (maan) / Israel still demolishing Palestinian homes in occupied Jerusalem (mideastmon) / Israel plans building 4000 new housing units south of occupied Jerusalem (pal-info) / Zionist plan to isolate the village of Eksa to the north of Jerusalem (pal-info) / Existence is Resistance (stopthewall) / Palestinian Village of Umm Salamuna (stopthewall) / Strength of the Right (stopthewall) / ahead with its plans (ynet)

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International Headlines [23.10.2011]

International HeadlinesKinder & Politische Gefangene: More than 160 Palestinian children remain behind Israeli bars (ei) / 530 Life Term Prisoners Remain in Israeli Jails (wafa) / Human Rights: Condemning Palestinians to Torture and Children to Imprisonment (globalresearch) / UN rights expert: Palestinian children subject to arrests (haa) / 5300 Palestinian captives are still incarcerated in occupation jails (pal-info)
Landraub & Diebstahl & Zerstörung & Ethnische Säuberung & Auslöschung von Kultur und Geschichte: Oxfam: Settlers cost farmers over $500 (maan) / Tulkarem checkpoint 'closed for maintenance' (maan) / Village council: Israel builds watchtower near Salfit (maan) / Farming In The Mouth Of The Lion: A Case Study On Wadi Fuken (stopthewall) / The Village of Battir (stopthewall) / Village of Husan (stopthewall) / The Village Of Jabai (stopthewall) / Village of Nahalin (stopthewall)

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International Headlines [20.10.2011]

International HeadlinesLandraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid & Freiheitsberaubung: Russia Deeply Concerned at New Israeli Settlement Plan (wafa) / Endangered Palestinian village gets int’l media attention– except from the U.S (mweiss) / In Photos: The survival of olives (palsolidarity) / Checkpoints in the West Bank (kibush) / Housing Activities in East Jerusalem Violate International Law: Japan (panorientnews) / Plumbing the Depths of Deception:Naomi Scola Ignores the H2Occupation of Palestine (sleepinamrca)
Gefangenenaustausch: Samir Kuntar’s Message to Prisoners Remaining in Israeli Jails (al-akhbar) / For Palestinians released in Gilad Shalit prisoner swap (csmon) / Abbas: Israel Promised to Release More Prisoners ( (yahoo) / Palestinians who killed for a cause return to a changed battlefield (gdn) / Hamas leader: Shalit deal turning point in struggle against Israel (haa) / Hamas: Egypt must guarantee next stage of Shalit swap includes security prisoners (haa) / Shalit deal throws Hamas a lifeline (haa) / Abu Obaida Provides Details On The 2nd Phase of Swap Deal (imc) / Haniyeh awards Palestinian prisoners' families $2,000 (jpost) / Qassam Brigades: We will not rest until we close down occupation jails (pal-info) / Aruri: Nine women will be freed soon from Israeli jails (pal-info)

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International Headlines [17.10.2011]

International HeadlinesStaatliche Lynchjustiz: Israeli soldiers should kill terrorists 'in their beds' following Shalit deal, former IDF rabbi says (haa) / Israeli TV analyst: Aruri should be liquidated soon (pal-info) / Link to Palestinian Information Center (pal-info)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Now Israel is stealing Palestinian ... waste (mweiss) / East Jerusalem Jewish housing plan clears hurdle ( / Issawiya (aic-news) / Israel forcibly removes flags from East Jerusalem village preparing to receive released political prisoners (aic-news) / Municipality: Israel closes only landfill in Al-Bireh (maan) / Israel to grab 950 acres of Palestinian land for illegal settlement plan (mideastmon) / Jewish extremists storm the Aqsa Mosque (pal-info) / Link to Palestinian Information Center (pal-info) / Link to Palestinian Information Center (pal-info) / New Israeli excavations in Wadi al-Hilwa (pal-info)

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International Headlines [13.10.2011]

International HeadlinesBDS & Solidarität & Aktivismus: Tunisian Fencing Champion Refuses to Face Israeli (pnn) / Words I Never Said (mweiss) / Alex Odeh’s murder, 26 years ago, was an early sign of Southern California’s treatment of Palestinian dissent (mweiss) / Lupe Fiasco performs with a Palestinian flag and Occupy Wall Street shirt at the 2011 BET Hip Hop Awards (mweiss) / Intifada Association announcement on interruption of Israeli ambassador speech and detention of its members (palestinianprisoners) / Sixteen Minutes to Palestine (smpalestine) / The Irvine 11, the Police, and the Autonomy of the University (jadaliyya) / The Nation (nation) / Anti-normalization: a necessary part of #BDS-campaigning (youthanormalization) / BDS: BNC supports Palestinian prisoners' hunger strike, and calls for stepping up the BDS (youthanormalization) / BDS: Israeli & Palestinian Journalists Discuss Revolutions in DC (youthanormalization) / BDS: Swedish academics call for boycott of Israeli institutions (youthanormalization) / This event (facebook)

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International Headlines [10.10.2011]

International HeadlinesGefangenen-Hungerstreik: Arab League calls for support of prisoners on hunger strike (wafa) / Health of imprisoned leader deteriorated (wafa) / 420 Palestinian prisoners join hunger strike (wafa) / Security prisoners across Israel to join PFLP in hunger strike (haa) / Israel approves several hunger strike demands (maan) / Minister: Hunger strike about isolation (maan)
Jüdische Siedler und Extremisten: PHOTOS: Support to Tuba-Zangria (groups) / Jewish settlers torch 10 Palestinian dunums of olive trees (occuppal) / Nablus sisters fall victim to yet another hit-and-run crime (palsolidarity) / Israeli government responds to settler 'price tag' violence with words, not actions (aic-news) / Video: Palestinian youths must stop throwing stones: Abbas (ctv) / Muslim and Christian graves desecrated in Israeli city of Jaffa (gdn) / Israel (gdn) / IDF keeps raids of West Bank outposts under wraps, fearing leaks to settlers (haa) / Israel sees increasing incidents of anti-Arab hate graffiti (haa) / PA official: IDF protects settlers who attack Palestinians (jpost) / PA: Settlers damage land in northern West Bank (maan) / Settlers clash with Palestinian farmers (maan) / PA: Settlers clash with olive harvesters near Nablus (maan) / Governor of Ramallah's car stoned by settlers (maan) / Azzun man 'injured in settler attack' (maan) / Vicious settler attack targets unarmed Palestinians and Israelis (palmon) / published here (richardsilverstein) / Second mosque arson suspect identified here; Melman says Shin Bet cannot solve Jewish terror crimes because it doesn't want to (richardsilverstein)

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International Headlines [09.10.2011]

International HeadlinesGefangenen-Hungerstreik: Beit Ummar steadfast in supporting prisoners despite LRAD and teargas (palsolidarity) / Students march to Ofer Prison in solidarity with hunger strike (palsolidarity) / Hunger Strike Ongoing, Violations Against Detainees Escalating (imc) / Prisoner hospitalized after health fails in hunger strike (pal-info) / link to Palestine Information Center (pal-info) / Bardawil calls for uprising with aim of freeing prisoners (pal-info) / link to Palestine Information Center (pal-info)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Beit Kahlil: Tear gas flies as Israel demolishes home (palsolidarity) / Closure of Al-Turbeh Road for the second day (silwan) / Antiquity Authority’s discover “cave” on Martyr Street (silwan) / Al-Bustan Popular Committee calls for residents’ general meeting (silwan) / (alt-arch) / Fatah official: Quartet should condemn settlements (maan) / Settler homes approved in East Jerusalem (maan)

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International Headlines [07.10.2011]

International HeadlinesGefangenen-Hungerstreik: A Palestinian political prisoner's take on Israel's protest movement (ei) / Palestinian Hunger Strike Gathers Momentum (al-akhbar) / Israeli Soldiers Repress Peaceful Sit-in Supporting Prisoners (wafa) / In solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners (mweiss) / Yom Kippur fast in solidarity with political prisoners to take place at Occupy Wall Street this Friday (mweiss) / here (palsolidarity) / here (haa) / PFLP Urges European Council To Save Lives Of Striking Prisoners (imc) / PCHR Condemns Collective Penalties against Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails (imc) / Threat: Palestinian Prisoners in Israel (jadaliyya) / here (maan) / Doyen of Palestinian prisoners says strike will continue until "demands or martyrdom" are achieved (mideastmon)
Siedler-Terror & -Gewalt: Settlers Burn Dozens of Olive Trees North Of Jerusalem (imc) / link to (imc) / Kristallnacht="Price" Tag (richardsilverstein) / link to (richardsilverstein) / Settlers vow to resist future evictions (ynet)

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International Headlines [02.10.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Iran "totally rejects" Palestine U.N. statehood bid (yahoo) / Clinton says Palestinians must be willing to negotiate (alarabiya) / Report: U.S. blocks $200 million in aid to Palestinian Authority (haa) / U.S. conditions aid to Palestinians on repeal of their UN statehood bid (haa) / We are the victims of collective punishment (indp) / UN envoy: Era of one-man rule over in Arab world (maan) / Haniyeh backs statehood, but not at any price (maan) / Hamas says party united against UN bid (maan) / Fatah leader: Arab countries will cover shortfall if US blocks aid (maan) / Egypt accuses Quartet of encouraging Israeli settlements (mideastmon) / Mishaal: liberation first (pal-info)

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International Headlines [27.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Hamas to Abbas: UN Bid Another Illusion of Statehood (al-akhbar) / UN debates Palestine statehood bid (alj) / US seeks to slow UN action on Palestinian state (yahoo) / After his stint at UN, Abbas is politically stronger than ever (haa) / Venezuela Endorses Sovereignty of Palestinian State (infoclear) / Coptic Pope urges US to pursue balanced policy towards Palestinians (kuna)
Israelische Attacken auf Palästinenser: revealed (972mag) / Foreign fighters support Israel's settlements (alj) / Heavy presence of Israeli military in Wadi Hilweh (silwan) / The summary of the anniversary of martyring Samer Sarhan (silwan) / Newly released papers reveal extent of Israeli Bus 300 cover-up attempt (haa) / Shin Bet urges state to stop funding of West Bank yeshiva (haa) / no Palestinian involvement in the Eilat attacks (maxajl) / Settler kills Palestinian boy in hit-and-run incident (pal-info)

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International Headlines [25.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Palestinians give 'two weeks' for UNSC action (alj) / World Trade Union Supports Palestinian UN Bid (wafa) / Egyptian Writers Support Palestinian Bid (wafa) / Palestinians Praise Argentina’s Support for UN Bid (wafa) / In Pictures: The day of the UN bid (palsolidarity) / Analysis: Peace no closer as Palestinians ask U.N. for state (Reuters) (yahoo) / Egypt FM: Israel wants endless negotiations (haa) / IDF: Relative calm in West Bank during Palestinian statehood bid (haa) / Cracks appear between Britain and France as Palestine vote looms (indp) / Tony Blair warns over Palestinian statehood bid (indp) / Abbas: Next step is serious talks with Hamas (maan) / Italian FM: Palestinian state can only be achieved through talks (maan)

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International Headlines [23.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Full official text of President Mahmoud Abbas speech at the UN GA (wafa) / Israeli intellectuals back Palestinian statehood in Tel Aviv rally (haa) / Women demonstrate in Gaza in support of UN bid (maan) / Fatah official: Abbas seeks 'accelerated' Security Council review (maan) / Abbas: No pressure will deter UN statehood initiative (maan) / Hamas to Abbas: Don't beg for a state (maan) / Live report -- Palestinian bid for statehood: how it happened (maan) / Interfax: Russia to vote for Palestinian UN membership (maan) / Fatah leader: Palestine has votes to pass Security Council (maan) / Thousands cheer Abbas as Palestinian hail UN bid (maan) / Quartet sets timetable for new Mideast talks (maan) / Ban hands Palestinian bid to Security Council (maan) / 'UN hall of darkness for Netanyahu' (presstv)
Landraub: Report: Settler official calls for speedy construction (maan)
Israelische Attacken auf Palästinenser: IOF troops raid Silwan, clash with local youth (occuppal) / Assaulting brutally the youth Waheed Rwaidi from Silwan (silwan) / PCHR Weekly Report: 2 children dead, 2 children and 2 adults wounded by Israeli forces this week 15-22 Sept (imc) / Israeli forces kill Palestinian in northern West Bank (maan)

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International Headlines [22.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: EU: Watering Down the Bid for Palestinian Statehood (al-akhbar) / Peru Supports Palestinian Bid to UN (wafa) / French Jewish Leaders Support Bid to UN (wafa) / Demonstration in Denmark in Support of UN Bid (wafa) / Obama, Europeans press Palestinians to drop UN bid (yahoo) / Palestinians to push U.N. bid despite Obama (Reuters) (yahoo) / Obama gets a kosher seal of approval (haa) / Obama to Abbas: U.S. will veto Palestinians at UN (haa) / Israel's FM tells Canadians: Palestinians not ready for statehood (haa) / Israel says may hold Palestinian taxes on U.N. bid (huffpo) / Lieberman Welcomes Obama’s Statements (imc) / Palestinian Authority Will Not Push For Immediate Security Council Vote (imc) / Obama calls for peace talks but reaffirms US support for Israel (indp) / Obama Rebuffed as Palestinians Pursue U.N. Seat (nyt) / Bardawil: Demonstration limitations in Gaza made on mutual understanding (pal-info) / Around 2,000 rally in Beirut for Palestinian statehood (topix) / Bolivian president: Israel took Palestinians' lands (ynet) / Obama courts Jewish vote with UN speech (ynet) / 'Gabon will abstain from UN vote' (ynet) / Palestinians protest Obama UN speech (ytube)

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International Headlines [20.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Is Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh supporting a one-state solution for Palestine? (ei) / Palestinian refugees in Lebanon eye statehood bid with skepticism (ei) / Palestinians insist on terms for Israel talks (alj) / Netanyahu calls for talks with Palestinians (alj) / With Obama in NYC for U.N. speech, Perry to hold own event there, hitting Obama on Israel (firstread.msnbc.msn) / Europe Divided Over Palestinian State (antiwar) / Palestinians will submit UN membership letter (AP) (yahoo) / In UN week, Saudi says to ease Palestinian crisis (Reuters) (yahoo) / The U.N.'s 'momentous' Palestinian statehood dilemma (The Week) (yahoo) / Palestine’s UN Initiatives: Questions and Answers on the Representation of the Rights of the Palestinian People (alhaq) / Noam Chomsky: The U.S. & Israel Strongly Oppose "Rise of Any Meaningful Democracy" in Middle East (demnow) / Obama arrives at UN as pressure grows on Palestinians over statehood bid (gdn) / Guardian Focus podcast: What will UN recognition of a Palestinian state mean? (gdn) / Which countries recognise Palestine already? - interactive (gdn) / Bill Clinton: Palestinian statehood bid won't change Mideast realities (haa) / French FM: Status quo between Israel and Palestinians risks 'explosion of violence' (haa) / Jordan's King says Israel must choose if it is fortress or part of Mideast (haa) / 'Palestinians need just two more Security Council votes in bid for statehood' (haa) / Diplomats: Israel failed to prepare for Palestinian statehood bid (haa) / Israel may tone down emergency laws drafted ahead of Palestinian move at UN (haa) / U.S. to Netanyahu: Don't sanction Palestinians following statehood bid at UN (haa) / continues (imc) / Report; “Israeli-Palestinian Team Prepares For Coordinated Activities” (imc) / Saudi Arabian stability (maxajl) / Statehood must mean liquidation of the occupation (pal-info) / link to Palestine Information Center (pal-info) / As Palestinians Push for Statehood, Israel Finds Itself Isolated (time)

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International Headlines [18.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: US Says State Veto In 'Interests' of Palestinians ( / AP Interview: Romania to abstain on Palestinians (AP) (yahoo) / Analysis: Palestinian U.N. bid puts Obama on defensive (Reuters) (yahoo) / Israel/Palestine: Washington is the problem (arabist) / Britain prepared to back UN vote calling Palestinian Authority a state (gdn) / Israel minister: Palestinian state serves to perpetuate Mideast conflict (haa) / IDF bracing for worst case scenario ahead of Palestinian statehood bid (haa) / Netanyahu: "Palestinian-UN Bid (imc) / Special report: Palestinian bid for statehood divides a people (indp) / Haniyeh aide: Abbas speech offered nothing new (maan) / Hamas, Islamic Jihad dismiss Abbas speech (maan) / Irish leaders urge government to support Palestine (maan) / Mideast Quartet to meet in NY (ynet)

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International Headlines [13.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Fatah: PLO to seek full recognition at UN (alj) / Ambassador Rice: Palestinian U.N. Bid ‘Not Symbolic (thinkprogress) / Saudi prince calls on U.S. to back Palestinian U.N. status (Reuters) (yahoo) / Israel's new tactic: Use Cairo embassy attack to argue against Palestinian statehood (haa) / NYT criticizes Israel, US ahead of 'ruinous' UN vote (ynet) / Russia to support Palestinian UN bid (ynet)
Besatzer-Gewalt: Broken wrists and arrests by Israeli military as farmers cultivate Beit Ummar (palsolidarity) / Violent clashes erupt across Silwan (pal-info)
Israelische Attacken auf palästinensische Aktivisten: Israeli Army Occupy Homes in al-Nabi Saleh After Demonstration (palsoli) / Israeli Army Raid Beit Ommar (palsoli)

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International Headlines [11.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: An Urgent Call for Transparency and Participation, Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign (stopthewall) / Mahmoud Abbas Hangs Tough on Palestinian Statehood ( (yahoo) / Palestinian UN envoy says delegation to announce moves regarding statehood Monday (haa) / Erekat says US veto will destroy peace process (maan) / PFLP says it will back UN bid for membership (maan) / In Seeking Statehood, Palestinians Stir Concern (nyt)
Israelische Attacken auf palästinensische Aktivisten: Two Arrested, Pepper Spray Used As Activists Try to Tear Down Fence In Beit Ommar (palsoli) / Help us release Ni’lin’s Ibrahim Srour from Israeli prison (palsolidarity) / Palestinians hold non-violent protests in four West Bank villages (imc) / a-Nabi Saleh: demonstration dispersed before it begins (ytube)

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International Headlines [09.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Palestinian Observer Mission assures skeptics: Statehood will not endanger refugee rights (pnn) / Israel to establish 'dialogue tent' outside UN to counter Palestinian initiative (aic-news) / Palestinian envoy to US 'disappointed' with J Street's objection to UN bid (haa) / UN Secretary-General: Palestinian statehood is long overdue (haa) / Palestinians rally in Ramallah (maan) / US vows to veto Palestinian statehood bid (maan) / Tunisia confirms support for Palestinian statehood bid (maan) / Sweden receives Palestinian ambassador (ynet)
Gaza: New Israeli raids - east Jabaliya (pnn) / Israeli army razes land in Gaza Strip (wafa) / Qassam operative dies in Gaza (maan) / Gunshots fired at western Negev homes; no injuries (ynet)

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International Headlines [08.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Palestinians have a plan B for U.N. statehood drive (foreignpol) / Palestinians deploy Obama speech in U.N. campaign (Reuters) (yahoo) / (yahoo) / Obama urged to wield U.N. veto against Palestinians (Reuters) (yahoo) / Israel's right-wing prepares for UN recognition of Palestine (haa) / Israelis could face trial in the Hague if Palestinian statehood recognized at UN (haa) / Hale Demands Abbas To Void U.N Move (imc) / China Supports Palestinian UN Bid (imc) / Israel’s UN Ambassador Held 70 Meetings With Counterparts (imc) / Fatah leader in Turkey ahead of UN vote (maan) / Hamas 'opposes popular protests' in support of UN bid (maan) / Egypt rallies support for Palestinians at UN (ynet)
Besatzergewalt: The Mysterious Raid on Eilat: Why No One Wants to Dig Too Deep ( / Israeli Soldiers, Police Attack Beit Ommar Fruit Vendors (palsoli) / Torture campaign precedes against Silwans residents and provokes them to confrontations (silwan) / Witnesses: Overnight raid on Gaza (maan) / Israeli air bombing of car in Gaza kills resistance fighter (pal-info) / link to Palestinian Information Center (pal-info)

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International Headlines [06.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Abbas: Palestinians will resume peace talks with Israel after UN recognition of state (haa) / U.S Envoys In Israel To Discuss “The Day After UN Vote” (imc)
Türkei & Israel: Turkey Suspending Trade, Military Ties with Israel (blogs.voanews) / Foreign ministry officials admit Turkey citizens routinely humiliated at Israel's airport (haa) / foreign-ministry-officials-admit-turkey-citizens-routinely-humiliated-at-israel-s-airport-1.382663 (haa) / Former Prime Minister Olmert: Turkey is not Israel's enemy (haa) / Top Israel defense official: Military ties with Turkey still in effect (haa) / Turkey clarifies: Trade sanctions against Israel include only defense industry (haa) / Turkey: Israeli diplomats must leave country by Wednesday (haa) / Israelis held in Istanbul airport (ynet) / Israel's airport chief: Turks twist reality (ynet) / Turkish hackers target 350 Israeli websites (ynet)
Israelische Attacken auf palästinensische Aktivisten: Alert: French JDL is recruiting ‘militants’ to travel to West Bank in 2 weeks (mweiss) / Israel vows "tolerance" for Palestinian protests (Reuters) (yahoo) / Israel allows shooting at Palestine protesters (ytube)

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International Headlines [05.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Palestinians keeping options open on UN (af.reuters) / New Palestinian strategy to avoid US veto at UN (pnn) / Abbas met Israel's Barak -- Palestinian official ( / PA slams Israeli escalation (imc) / 'Palestine 194' campaign gets underway in Gaza (maan) / Fatah official: 140 countries to recognize Palestinian state (maan) / Abbas: PA will return to talks regardless of UN outcome (maan) / PA launches multi-language radio propaganda campaign (ynet)
Gaza: Egypt denies conducting operations to destroy Gaza tunnels (haa) / Egyptian forces arrest 3 Palestinians in north Sinai (maan) / Video: Gaza schoolchildren plagued by siege (presstv)
Türkei & Israel: Foreign ministry officials admit Turkey citizens routinely humiliated at Israel's airport (haa) / Greece, Israel improve cooperation on security (todayszaman) / Davuto ğ (todayszaman)

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International Headlines [04.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: U.S. tries to stall Palestinian statehood bid: report (Reuters) (yahoo) / France Warns Against Palestinian UN Bid (imc) / U.S. Appeals to Palestinians to Stall U.N. Vote on Statehood (nyt) / Tony Blair's key role in Mideast talks (ynet)
Belegertes Gaza: Turkey says it will challenge Gaza blockade (AP) (yahoo) / Egypt begins destroying border tunnels (almasryalyoum) / Report: Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza (haa) / the release of the UN Palmer report on the 2010 Gaza flotilla (haa) / Gaza: Registration to cross Rafah border opens Sunday (maan)
Palästinensische Reaktionen auf die Palmer-Kommission: Palestinian Authority criticises UN flotilla report (google) / UN flotilla report provokes angry reactions in Gaza (maan) / Radwan: Palmer report 'biased and illegitimate' (maan)
Türkei & Israel & Palmer-Kommission: Turkey talking tough to Tel Aviv (mweiss) / Turkey to take Israel to UN court (bbc) / Egypt releases 2 Palestinian brothers from Rafah (maan) / Family says Palestinian sheik detained at Cairo airport (maan)

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Medien in Ägypten - Libanon - Palästina [02.09.2011]

The editorial policy of Al-Masry Al-Youm publications is independent and balanced journalism within the framework of the highest professional standards ... ... a publication that would uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity while remaining true to the principles of anti-imperialist struggle, progressive politics, and freedom of expression. PNN is a website, covers the latest political, civil news. Depends on a unique network of journalists spread in Palestine.

International Headlines [02.09.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: 'O brother where art thou!' (hopeingaza) / Egypt envoy: No plan to demolish Gaza tunnels (maan)
Staatliche Lynchjustiz: WikiLeaks: IDF uses drones to assassinate Gaza militants (haa) / [Excerpts regarding extra-legal executions from] PCHR weekly report on human right violations in the occupied Palestinian Territory 18-24 August (pchrgaza)
Besatzer & Ausgangssperren: Those ungrateful Palestinians (adam-keller2) / Israeli harassment campaign masquerades as murder probe in Jenin theatre (ei) / PCHR Weekly Report 18-24 August: 17 killed by Israeli forces (imc)
Türkei & Israel: Israel forms team to fight lawsuits over flotilla attack (occuppal) / Turkey vows to take legal action against Israel ( / Israel: We hope to mend ties but will not apologize for Gaza flotilla (haa) / Israeli Arab MKs laud Turkey move to expel Israeli envoy over Gaza flotilla (haa) / Turkey president: Expulsion of Israeli envoy is just the first step (haa) / Turkey to host NATO early warning radar (ynet)

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International Headlines [01.09.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Turkey affirms its support of Palestinian bid to UN (wafa) / Diplomats split on support of Palestinians' UN statehood bid (haa) / Knesset report slams Israel's preparations for Palestinian statehood bid (haa) / Israeli finance minister refuses to transfer money to PA (imc) / Erekat: EU support for UN bid upholds peace process (maan) / Israel surveys options after Palestine UN bid (maan) / PLO official: UN bid not over in September (maan)
Gaza: 30 Aug 2011: Civilians and civilian infrastructure hit in Gaza Strip (btselem) / Rafah crossing to open Saturday after Eid vacation (maan) / Israeli army: Projectile fired from Gaza Strip (maan) / Photos: Eid with a different taste in the Gaza Strip (mideastmon) / Resheq hails ongoing Palestinian campaigns in support of Somalia (pal-info)

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International Headlines [31.08.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Rabbi Froman supports Palestinian bid to UN (wafa) / Sarkozy: EU needs united position on Palestinian statehood (haa) / Video: PLO status after statehood debated (presstv) / Palestinian UN bid - a blow to Israeli economy? (ynet) / Jordan urges Abbas to rethink UN bid (ynet) / 'PA statehood vote to risk bilateral agreements' (ynet) / Palestinian UN bid 'greater threat' than Hamas (cdream)
Gaza: Eid al-Fitr in Gaza (occuppal) / Don't test us, Israel army chief warns (maan) / On verge of Gaza war (ynet) / Iron Dome system deployed in Ashdod (ynet)
Raub von Land, Besitz und Ressourcen: Landau: Israel should declare sovereignty over occupied territories (occuppal) / Israel profits from the holy month of Ramadan (jordansolid) / Rivlin in Itamar: Zionism is a policy of settlement (jpost) / Wadi Ara next in line for Judaization project (palmon)

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International Headlines [29.08.2011]

International Headlines20. September: Three-quarters of world recognizes Palestine (maan) / UN chair for Palestine made in Jenin (maan) / September report to remain secret (ynet)
Ausgangssperren & Blockaden: New WikiLeaks cable shows Israel's West Bank blockade (972mag) / 'Miles of Smiles' convoy arrives at Rafah border (maan) / News Video: 'Gaza convoy foils Israeli blockade' (presstv)
Land- & Resourcendiebstahl - Zerstörung: Silwan group warns of Israeli plan to seize land (wafa) / WikiLeaks: US Embassy officials got upclose view of marginalization and removal of Bedouins in Negev in '5 (and said nothing publicly) (mweiss) / This Thursday, a protest against the illegal settlement of 'City of David' in Silwan obliges settlers to delay a concert planned there (silwan) / Expansion of impoverished Israeli Arab town angers Jewish neighbors (haa) / Palestinians thirsting for justice in water-starved occupied territories (mecaforpeace)

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International Headlines [28.08.2011]

International Headlines20. September: The Future State of Palestine (cpunch) / Palestinian state could leave millions of refugees with no voice at UN (gdn) / refugees (gdn) / UN rep. Prosor: Israel has no chance of stopping recognition of Palestinian state (haa) / Abbas: “We Are Willing To Listen to Suggestions, Alternatives To UN Move” (imc) / 124 Out Of 193 Countries Recognize Palestinian Independence (imc) / USPCN response to PA Statehood bid (kabob) / Abbas: UN bid not meant to isolate US (maan)
Landraub: Car Park for Jewish Worshippers Planned on Palestinian Land in East Jerusalem (aic-news)

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International Headlines [26.08.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Two killed in bombing of al-Salama sport club in Beit Lahiya (palsolidarity) / Elderly farmer murdered in Israeli airstrike in Bureij (palsolidarity) / Global actions target Egyptian embassies to break Israel's closure of Gaza (palsolidarity) / Second rocket hits Israel after renewal of Gaza cease-fire (haa) / Islamic Jihad: Ceasefire with Israel agreed at dawn (maan) / Gaza militant group pledges resistance to Jewish Jerusalem (maan) / South Africa activists visit Gaza (maan) / Palestinians rally in Gaza City for al-Quds day (maan) / PFLP Brigades claim rocket fired into Ashkelon (maan) / VIDEOS: Gaza: Why? is the question my son asks me - Dr Ayman Al-Sahbani ( / WikiLeaks: Lieberman wanted Egypt to give land to Gaza (ynet) / Barak: We'll allow helicopters, more troops into Sinai (ynet) / Golani soldier killed by friendly fire (ynet)
20. September: US envoy: We will stop aid to Palestinians if UN bid proceeds (haa) / El Salvador recognizes Palestine as independent state (maan) / Ashrawi: UN statehood bid no threat to PLO (maan) / PA: Honduras recognizes Palestinian state (maan)

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International Headlines [25.08.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Still no evidence of PRC involvement in Eilat attack (972mag) / De-escalation easier said than done in Gaza as each side picks its spots (globalspin) / VIDEO: Israeli airstrikes kill Gazans (in.reuters) / Bahr: Israel wants a truce without stopping killing Gaza people (uprootedpal) / Doubts emerge over identity of terrorists who carried out attack in Israel's south (haa) / Islamic Jihad: 'We will halt rockets if Israel stops raids' (maan) / 2 Islamic Jihad fighters killed in airstrike (maan) / Islamic Jihad armed wing: No chance of truce (maan) / PRC says its armed wing will scrap truce (maan) / Two killed, scores injured in ongoing strikes on Gaza Strip (pal-info) / Al Mat'haf -- Gaza's first and only archaeological museum (paltel) / Video (Arabic) Islamic Jihad funeral procession, burial of Ismael al-Asmar (ytube)
20. September: Q&A: Palestinian statehood bid at the UN (bbc) / Arab Peace Initiative Committee insists on UN bid (maan) / Report: Israel to take measures against Qatar (maan) / Shaath: India will support Palestinians at UN (maan) / Video: 'The recognition of the state is not only important for me, but for all Palestinians' (palmon) / September report to remain secret? (ynet) / Arab MKs seek African support for PA bid (ynet)

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International Headlines [24.08.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Photoessay: What the medics see, do, and are subjected to (ingaza) / Gaza truce under fire after Israeli strikes kill militants (yahoo) / Islamic Jihad vows revenge after Israel kills commander (occupiedpalestine) / Israel video games in Gaza (antiwar) / IDF kills Islamic Jihad operative in Gaza (haa) / Israel bolsters Egypt border defenses over new terror warnings (haa) / Haniyeh urged to allow students out of Gaza (maan) / Al-Qassam Brigades leader dies (maan) / Az-Zahhar: Eilat attack 'used as pretext to attack Gaza' (maan) / Gaza projectile lands in Egypt (maan) / Medics: 1 killed in Gaza airstrikes as border violence flares up (maan) / Gunned-down Israeli Jihad operative involved in attacks near Eilat (ynet) / Iron Dome intercepts Grad rocket; baby hurt (ynet)
Landraub & Diebstahl & Zerstörung: Israeli bulldozers raze Palestinian land in Hebron (wafa)

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International Headlines [23.08.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Gaza pays the price - again (alj) / Resentment toward Hamas grows among Gaza's budding middle class (haa) / Libyan arms expected to continue flowing into Sinai (haa) / Netanyahu tells cabinet Israel lacks legitimacy for major Gaza operation (haa) / Egypt identifies 3 believed to be behind Eilat attack (imc) / Palestinians farming creatively to overcome the 'buffer zone' (islamonline) / PFLP military wing not part of Gaza ceasefire (maan) / Rafah crossing to open Wednesday (maan) / Human Rights Watch urges Hamas to end harassment (maan) / Calm prevails along Gaza border as truce holds (maan) / Medics: 1 dead in strike on south Gaza (maan) / Israeli 'retaliation' (maxajl) / Israel strikes in Gaza despite cease-fire (pal-info)
Landraub & Kulturzerstörung & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid: Activist group opposes cultural events in City of David (972mag) / Israel digging new tunnels in Muslim Quarter of J'lem's Old City (pal-info) / Court OK's new section of separation fence (ynet)

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International Headlines [22.08.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: Evidence undermines govt's claim that terrorists were Gazans (972mag) / Hamas and IJM plan response (pnn) / Israeli defense sources: Gaza terror groups changing tactics to avoid Iron Dome system (haa) / PRC agrees to ceasefire deal (maan) / Doctor: Israel using new weapons against Gaza (maan) / Army: Gaza militants fire 3 rockets into southern Israel (maan) / Political source: We cannot rush into war (ynet)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israel to expel 384 activists from Jerusalem (pnn) / Demonstration in front of City of David settlement in Silwan (silwan) / A provision of house arrest, trial extensions, and an arrest (silwan)

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International Headlines [21.08.2011]

International HeadlinesBesatzer & Westbank-Razzien: Teenage prisoner sexually, physically assaulted to [get him to] admit charges against him (wafa) / Israeli police prevent afternoon prayer in al-Aqsa Mosque (wafa) / Israeli forces detain 120 Palestinians in West Bank (maan) / Flying checkpoints erected in West Bank (maan) / Bethlehem Mufti says soldiers ransacked home (maan) / Jerusalem on high alert as security campaign begins (maan) / Israeli forces raid Hebron home (maan)
Gaza: Gaza: There was no calm before the storm (palsolidarity) / Hamas: Gaza militant groups agree to cease-fire with Israel (haa) / Israel's Iron Dome shoots down 3 rockets over Ashkelon; Grad strikes Be'er Sheva (haa) / Kulna Gaza - We are all Gazans (intifada-palestine) / Air raids exact heavy toll on Gaza infrastructure (maan) / Ministry: Gaza running out of medicine (maan) / Gaza residents donate blood as tensions escalate (maan) / PA condemns collective punishment 'tactics' in Gaza Strip (maan) / 7 injured as Israeli forces raid northern Gaza (maan) / Projectiles fired at Israel after Gaza ceasefire announced (maan) / Ahmad Tibi: Israeli military escalation to be expected (maan) / Rafah crossing open Monday for August 14 applicants (maan) / AL urges UN action on Israel Gaza raids (presstv) / 'Ground operation in Gaza possible' (ynet) / Report: Iran cuts Hamas funding (ynet)

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International Headlines [20.08.2011]

International HeadlinesEskalation nach Eilat und den Attacken auf Gaza: Israel 'regrets' deaths in Egypt and promises inquiry (bbc) / Grad rocket directly strikes home in Be'er Sheva; one dead (haa) / Social demonstrators in Tel Aviv clash over escalation in south (haa) / Hamas armed wing abandons ceasefire with Israel (maan) / Egypt says it will withdraw envoy to Israel (maan) / Israeli army confirms 4 airstrikes overnight (maan) / PRC armed wing claims attack on Israeli 'airstrip' (maan) / Report: 3 Palestinian workers injured by rocket (maan) / Gaza health minister condemns attack on doctor (maan) / Medics: Palestinian injured in attack on northern Gaza (maan) / Police: Palestinian stabbed in Ashdod (maan) / Jihad armed wing claims rocket attacks (maan) / Egypt envoy: Initial agreement to restore ceasefire (maan) / Barghouti: Domestic Israeli policies behind Gaza escalation (maan) / Abbas requests emergency Security Council session (maan) / Medics: Palestinian hurt in new Gaza City strike (maan) / Hamas armed wing claims it fired Grad rockets at Israel (maan) / Attacks on Gaza continue: "I've never seen shrapnel wounds like this before" (palmon) / FM: PA responsible for terror attacks in south (ynet) / Officials: Crisis with Egypt over (ynet) / Minister: Hamas will pay heavy price (ynet) / IDF inquiry: Decision to keep road open wrong (ynet)

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International Headlines [19.08.2011]

International HeadlinesAnschläge in Eilat & Angriffe auf Gaza: Who is behind the Eilat terror attack? (972mag) / A changed agenda? (adam-keller2) / In Pictures: Gaza under attack (occupiedpalestine) / I remember the victims (occupiedpalestine) / 13-year-old boy dead and 18 injured in Gaza (palsolidarity) / Photos: Aftermath of the attacks on Israel and Israeli air strikes on Gaza (gdn) / Egypt lodges formal complaint over Israel killing three Egyptian security forces (haa) / Netanyahu: Killing of PRC heads 'only beginning' of Israel retaliation (haa) / Israel strikes central Gaza refugee camp (maan) / Gaza's PRC militants deny involvement in Eilat attacks (maan) / Renewed attacks kill 2 in Gaza (maan) / Thousands attend funerals for PRC members (maan) / PRC, others claim Israel rocket attacks (maan) / Rafah crossing to reopen Saturday (maan) / Reporter: Airstrike near Khan Younis (maan) / Medics: 2 killed near Bureij refugee camp (maan) / Reporter: No injuries after airstrike in Gaza City (maan) / Report: Drone attack kills 3 in Gaza City (maan) / Fresh olives and the sound of bombs (mideastmon) / Qassam fighter succumbs to wounds he sustained earlier (pal-info) / UNRWA denies rumours that it asked its employees to leave Gaza (pal-info) / Israeli air raids damage government buildings in Gaza (pal-info) / Special source: Seven Egyptian offices killed by Israeli airstrike near Rafah (pal-info) / 'Israel-Egypt border mostly incomplete' (ynet) / Cairo:- Israeli flags torched before embassy (ynet)

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International Headlines [15.08.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Increased Palestinian displacement as Israeli settler violence intensifies (aic-news) / Israeli settler violence report (aic-news) / Video: Land reclamation project in Bil‘in after the resiting of the Apartheid Wall (bilin) / Israel approves 227 new homes in West Bank settlement of Ariel (haa) / US: Israeli construction in Ariel 'deeply troubling' (haa)
Besatzer: Living hell in Tel Rumeida (pnn) / Israeli soldiers prevent Palestinians from accessing drinking water near Hebron (wafa) / Kfir Brigade commander who condoned violence promoted (ynet) / 4 indicted in PA smuggling (ynet)

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International Headlines [11.08.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler: Jewish settlers seize Palestinian homes by force (pal-info)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Palestine's UN observer calls to stop destruction of historic cemetery in Jerusalem (wafa) / Fatah says it will fight Israeli settlement plans (wafa) / Ashrawi: Israel's de facto policy destroys the peace process (wafa) / Another announcement on construction in East Jerusalem (settlementwatcheastjerusalem) / Israel approves 1,600 Jerusalem settler homes (maan) / UN envoy alarmed by 'provocative' settlement plan (maan) / IOF serves demolition notice to owner of water well (pal-info) / IOA flattens Palestinian home in occupied Jerusalem (pal-info) / Settlers have other rules (ynet)

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International Headlines [10.08.2011]

International HeadlinesApartheid: B'Tselem: Map of the restrictions on Palestinian movement in Hebron (btselem)
Aktivismus & BDS: Australia's repression of BDS movement coordinated with Israel (ei) / Throwing rocks (lifeonbirzeitcampus) / Victoria, Australia threatens further crackdown on boycott activists (mweiss) / Video: Al-Walaje demo August 10 2011 (occupiedpalestine) / Video: Tear gas, sound grenades and rubber-coated bullets at Nabi Saleh (palestinevideo) / 11 detained at rally near Bethlehem (maan) / VIDEO: Al Walaja: A kid's view (ytube)

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International Headlines [09.08.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler: Israeli settlers still wary leftist bodies stand behind the social protest (haa) / 'Dozens' of settlers enter West Bank holy site (maan) / Extremist Jews invade Al-Aqsa Mosque for the second day (pal-info)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid: PHOTOS: Images reveal the extent of construction violations in Wadi Hilweh (silwan) / VIDEO: Silwan targeted (aic-news) / Otherwise occupied - the spirit of sacrifice (haa) / IOF bulldozes Palestinian land east of Al-Khalil to expand settlements (pal-info) / Woman threatened with exile, children held in vendetta against Jerusalem family (pal-info) / Egyptian ambassador breaks fast with exile-threatened Jerusalem politicians (pal-info)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [08.08.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Wie fein sind Deine Zelte” (Quelle) / haaretz editorial: “Die israelischen Gerichtshöfe müssen mit der anti-arabischen Diskriminierung aufhören” (Quelle) / Mazin Qumsiyeh: “New Israeli weapon used in Al-Walaja ” (Quelle) / Sam Bahour: “Ein palästinensischer säkularer Staat” (Quelle) / Tom Perry: “Palästinenser fürchten um ihre alten Wasserquellen” (Quelle)

International Headlines [08.08.2011]

International HeadlinesBDS: Company targeted by boycott campaign announces losses (maan)
Siedler: Report: Israeli security arrest 2 settlers accused of arson (maan)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid: The shooting of Ahmed al-Qaraeen: two years on (silwan) / Palestinian residents of Silwan suffer under the City of David settlement 'improvement' program (silwan) / Israel to compensate contractor for canceling plan to build West Bank settlement (haa)
Konflikt um die heiligen Stätten & Archaeologie: Israeli archaeologists present Roman artifacts found in Jerusalem (haa) / Israeli police remove worshipers from Al-Aqsa (maan) / Jewish settlers storm the Aqsa Mosque (pal-info) / Top Israeli archaeologists contest Jewish ties to Jerusalem (pal-info) / IOA closes shops in Qatanin market (pal-info)

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International Headlines [06.08.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler: Do these Israeli settlers block the path to peace? (theglobeandmail)
Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung & Apartheid: EU 'profoundly disappointed' by new settlement plan (maan) / Masri: Unleashing resistance forces best response against Jewish settlement (pal-info)
Verhaftungen: Award-winning Palestinian journalist forced into hiding (jpost) / PA: Israel should reimburse tuition for prisoners (maan) / Israeli army detains Freedom Theater actor (maan) / Israel releases PLC member Sheikh Hassan Youssef after six years (mideastmon) / Dozens handed summonses, six arrested during persecution of Hamas in West Bank (pal-info) / B'Tselem backs right-wing activists (ynet)

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International Headlines [29.07.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler: Settlers invade Beit Ommar and Surif on Friday morning (palsoli) / Peace group: Settlers attack international observers (maan) / Witnesses: Settlers set fire to olive trees in Burin (maan) / Settlers set fire to olive groves in Nablus (pal-info)
Verhaftungen durch die PA: PA security releases Mahmoud Arouri (pal-info) / Military court in Nablus postpones trial, families of prisoners call for protest (pal-info) / PA security detain a Palestinian youth (pal-info) / Large protest march in Al-Khalil to protest political detention (pal-info)
Aktivismus & BDS: Report: Israeli soldier tweets from detained protester's phone (972mag) / Israeli soldiers attack West Bank anti-wall protesters; four injured (pnn) / Israeli army attacks Dutch music orchestra with tear gas (pnn) / Japan celebrates completion of electrical project in Kufr Ein (wafa) / By boat, air, and bike UK activists pedal to Palestine (wafa) / In 'Int'l Herald Tribune' MK Tibi endorses full boycott call (mweiss) / Israeli army shuts down West Bank protests (maan)

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International Headlines [26.07.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Community organizer to PNN: New tunnel under Silwan to the Western Wall (pnn) / Israel extends family unification ban for a year (imc) / Israeli Supreme Court convenes without issuing verdict on Jerusalem politicians (pal-info) / Israel plows farms paving way for apartheid wall extension in Bethlehem village (pal-info) / State sues Bedouins for NIS 1.8M (ynet)
Aktivismus: Palestinian nonviolence: Muslims, not Christians, are the leaders (huffpo)
Kinder: OPT: Growing number of children with anxiety disorders (irin)
Sieder & Siedlungen: Israeli minister admits state subsidizes public transportation for settlers (haa) / Settlers torch Palestinian farmlands near Nablus (imc) / Likud MK calls for more settlements in the West Bank, Jerusalem (imc) / Report: Settlers attack 3 Palestinian women (maan) / Tens injured in settlers' attack on village (pal-info)

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International Headlines [25.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: Stay human - the story of Freedom Flotilla 2 - from the Kayaktivists' perspective (occupiedterritories) / Otherwise occupied: What lies behind the mask (haa) / Video: Activists on board US aid boat to Gaza return (presstv)
Siedler: Jewish settlers torch tens of dunums of Palestinian land (pal-info)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Demolished house rebuilt in Al-Walajeh (pnn) / Palestinian well under threat of demolition (kibush) / The nightmare of love across Israel's wall (maan) / Israeli Supreme Court to convene Tuesday over Jerusalem MPs' banishment case (pal-info) / IOA decides to raze mosque in Bruqin town (pal-info) / Negev desert tribes under threat of expulsion (presstv)

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International Headlines [24.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: In Gaza: the grades (ingaza) / IDF shoots live ammunition at ISM activists at sea (palsolidarity) / Video: Gaza fishermen swamped by Israeli gunboats and water cannon (gdn) / Flotilla activists still have much to learn about Gaza siege (haa) / UNRWA responds to Gaza protests (maan) / European parliamentarians to visit Gaza Strip (maan) / Rafah crossing reopens after 2-day closure (maan) / Army: Projectile lands in Negev (maan) / Gaza's tunnels: an inside perspective / Alexandra Robinson (middle-east-online) / Popular committee for refugees suspends UNRWA protests (pal-info) / Dughmush discusses Rafah crossing, reconciliation with Egyptian intelligence (pal-info) / Video: 'Gazans mostly suffer from racism' (presstv)
Mavi Marmara: Report: UN panel rules IDF boarded Marmara 'to kill' (ynet)
Siedlungen: Barak seeks to delay Migron razing (ynet)

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International Headlines [23.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: In Gaza: Gaza reality (ingaza) / VIDEO: Escalation of attacks by the Israeli navy on the CPS Gaza boat (palsolidarity) / Gaza health official: PA failing to send medicine (maan)
Siedler: Extremist settlers attack Qasra village (paltelegraph)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Al Arakib: Sixty years and the struggle is just beginning (adam-keller2) / Ariel's mermaid breeding ground (haa) / Netanyahu may be forced to destroy settlers' homes (indp) / Israel to carry out two new Jewish settlement projects in East Jerusalem (pal-info) / Sabri: 'Bitter situation' in Jerusalem needs urgent action by Arabs (pal-info)

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International Headlines [18.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: French flotilla boat en route to Gaza (ynet)
Gaza: Palestine - 'Occupation incorporated' ( / Gaza exports stopped at the border (ingaza) / Gaza power authority accuses Fayyad of withholding NIS 80m in entitlements (pal-info) / Two Qassam members wounded in Israeli air raid (pal-info) / Gaza paper: IDF scattered warning flyers (ynet)
Verhaftungen: New film investigates Israel's military justice system in the West Bank (972mag) / UK court releases Raed Salah as government case flounders (ei) / Video: Palestinian minors jailed for throwing stones (palestinianpundit) / Israel 'detains Egyptian children' in Beersheba (maan) / Jawwal employee seized at checkpoint (maan) / Detainee Mona on hunger strike to protest isolation (pal-info) / Israeli court extends administrative detention of Palestinian man for 4th time (pal-info)

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International Headlines [16.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: July 16th alert from the US Boat to Gaza (groups) / Gaza-bound ship carrying pro-Palestinian activists sets sail from Greece (haa) / Undeterred, two Freedom Flotilla ships head to Egypt (imc)
Anti-BDS Gesetze: Israeli firms prepare to use new law against those calling for boycotts (irishtimes) / Reform rabbis against boycott law (ynet)
Gaza: Israel aircraft raid Gaza for fourth day in a row (khaleejtimes) / Report: Army studies Gaza violence (maan) / Militant groups claim responsibility for firing missiles at Israel (maan) / Man injured in Gaza airstrike; body found in tunnel (maan) / Activists say Israel navy tried to sink Gaza boat (maan) / Egypt seizes cement bound for Gaza (maan) / Palestinian electrocuted in Gaza tunnel (maan)

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International Headlines [14.07.2011]

International HeadlinesBDS: Netanyahu opposes parliamentary investigations of Israeli human rights organizations (haa) / Meretz party marks settlement goods at Israeli supermarkets (haa) / Dozens of Israeli law professors protest unconstitutional boycott law (haa) / PA to boycott companies heeding Boycott Law (ynet)
Gaza: Gaza blockade keeps Saleh away from sea (ei) / In Gaza: Lucky to have water (ingaza) / VIDEO: International solidarity boat crew attacked off Gaza coast (mweiss) / Israeli airstrike injures 5 at Rafah border (maan) / Unknown military faction fires projectile at Sderot (maan) / PFLP leader returns to Gaza after 42 years (maan) / Witnesses: Airstrikes across the Gaza Strip (maan) / 6 rockets hit Israel; IDF strikes Gaza (ynet)

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International Headlines [13.07.2011]

International Headlines8. Juli: Out of hundreds, two 'air flotilla' activists allowed to stay (972mag)
Gaza-Flotte: French ship carries Freedom Flotilla's 'dignity' to Gaza (ipsnews)
Anti-BDS Gesetze: Everything you never wanted to know about Israel's boycott law (972mag) / In major shift, Peace Now calls for boycott of settlement goods (mweiss) / Israel's boycott law: the quiet sound of going fascist (haa) / AG: Boycott law 'borderline' defensible (ynet) / Knesset to veto Supreme Court judges? (ynet) / Netanyahu: I approved the Boycott Law (ynet)

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International Headlines [07.07.2011]

International Headlines8. Juli: Israel instructs foreign airlines to prevent departure of 300 pro-Palestinian activists (haa) / Israel police decrease presence at airport after pro-Palestinian activists stopped abroad (haa) / Tourism Ministry launches 'Welcome Mat' initiative (ynet) / Gaza fly-in organizers thank Bibi for PR (ynet) / Israel bars 300 activists from flying to Israel (ynet) / Incoming tourists receive flowers (ynet)
Gaza-Flotte: In dealing with the flotilla, Israel is anything but smart (haa) / French boat to Gaza blocked in Crete (maan) / Second flotilla ship sets sail to Gaza (pal-info) / Flotilla report delayed at Turkey's behest (ynet)

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International Headlines [04.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: Canadian boat forced back to shore after attempt to sail to Gaza - report and pictures (ei) / Israeli organizations support Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (pnn) / July 4th update (with instructions) (ustogaza) / UN cheers, Palestinians dismiss a Greek offer to ship aid to Gaza (cnn) / Gaza-bound ship damaged after attempt to flee Greece (cnn) / Gaza-bound Tahrir crew warned ship may be in danger (haa) / Mystery deepens over the flotilla on the rocks (indp) / '30 captains' on intercepted Canadian boat to Gaza (maan)
Israels geheime Friedhöfe: Video: Israel's secret cemeteries (france24) / Barak stops transfer of Palestinian bodies to PA at last minute (haa) / Israel confirms deal to hand over Palestinian bodies kept since 1967 (maan)

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International Headlines [01.07.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: US Gaza-bound boat returning to Greek port (alj) / Watchful activists guard boats bound for Gaza (gazatvnews) / Israeli army has no evidence for claim of flotilla's violent plans (maxblum) / Was Israeli unit Sheyetet 13 behind the sabotage of Gaza-bound flotilla ships? (maxblum) / US Boat to Gaza sets sail from Greece to join the Freedom Flotilla (mweiss) / Greece bars boats leaving Athens for Gaza (google) / Gaza flotilla activists: Queers welcome aboard aid ships (haa) / Netanyahu's big fat Greek wedding (haa) / With multiple ships disabled, organizers regroup in Greece (haa) / Gilmore warning on Gaza 'aid boat sabotage' ( / The battle over the Gaza flotilla (nation) / Navy to deploy 'floating ORs' (ynet) / Gazans unimpressed with flotilla (ynet) / Gaza-bound boat: Greek commandos forced us back (ynet) / Documentary: Fire on the Marmara (ytube)

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International Headlines [30.06.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: Flotilla organizers: Greece complicit with Israel in delaying departure (972mag) / Israel army uses fabrications to assert flotilla financial links to Hamas (ei) / Video: Canadian aid convoy to head for Gaza (gazatvnews) / Irish Ship to Gaza: MV Saoirse sabotage photos and video (irishshiptogaza) / Constituents aboard Audacity of Hope challenge Sen. Mark Kirk's call for US to disable flotilla vessels (mweiss) / Live update from Aaron Maté and Hedy Epstein on US ship in Gaza flotilla (demnow) / Watch: Palestinians await the Gaza flotilla (haa) / Gaza flotilla organizers claimed Israel sabotaged second vessel in Turkey's territorial waters (hurriyetdailynews) / Irish ship will not sail to Gaza after 'sabotage' (irishtimes) / Flotilla passenger on why she's sailing to Palestine (maan) / Irish aid ship to Gaza sabotaged -- Mac Lochlainn calls on Taoiseach to demand answers from the Israeli prime minister ( / Ireland: Avoid harming flotilla activists (ynet) / AG to rule on MK Zoabi probe soon (ynet)

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International Headlines [28.06.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: International solidarity and history in the making / Medea Benjamin (palsolidarity) / US boat rejects Israeli Army allegation of violence (ustogaza) / Unlikely sailors: an inside look at the people on the Canadian boat to Gaza (forgetthebox) / Gaza flotilla organizer: We have no intention of attacking IDF soldiers (haa) / Israel's defense ministry proposes confiscating boats that breach Gaza blockade (haa) / German activists hold 'solidarity flotilla' in Berlin canals (imc) / In Athens, flotilla organizers shake off threats (maan) / Israel to cope with 'hardcore terror activists' on flotilla (maan) / US, Israel escalate threats against flotilla (salon) / Fewer than 300 join flotilla (ynet) / Video: Gabriel Schivone, US Boat to Gaza passenger (ytube) / Video: One of Freedom Flotilla II boats sabotaged in Greek port (ytube)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: French court decision on Jerusalem light rail must be challenged (ei) / Israeli soldiers uproot 300 olive trees in Salfit (wafa) / Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron reports increase in raids (imc) / IOF soldiers destroy tens of Palestinian olive trees (pal-info) / IOA bulldozes land in Silwan (pal-info) / Knesset to vote on law forcing Palestinians to pay demolition costs (pal-info) / UNESCO censures Israel over Mughrabi Bridge (ynet)

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International Headlines [27.06.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: Getting on board with peace in Israel (articles.latimes) / Gaza flotilla activists: One of our ships was sabotaged (haa) / Israel fears Gaza flotilla activists may try to kill IDF soldiers (haa) / Report: Israel, Egypt agree Gaza flotilla can unload cargo at El-Arish (haa) / In preparation for Gaza flotilla, passengers briefed in how to face Israeli soldiers (haa) / Netanyahu: Israel will not allow flotilla to breach Gaza naval blockade (haa) / Civil society organizations stage demonstration outside Gaza UNRWA headquarters (mideastmon) / Cabinet votes to stop Gaza flotilla (ynet) / Israel drops threat to deport (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Living and dying in the Golan Heights - Part II (pnn) / From '48 to Israel 2011: the story of the Al-Aju family from Ramle (en.justjlm) / Sewage from IDF, government facilities damaging Palestinian crops (haa) / Committee: Soldiers order Palestinian farmers to stop work (maan) / PA slams Israel's decision to bring Jews from India (maan) / Violent night clashes in Silwan, two minors beaten then arrested (pal-info) / Development plan for abandoned Palestinian village stirs up a troubled past (washpo) / Haredi group takes on Christian converts (ynet)

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International Headlines [25.06.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: Blog: Of course the flotilla is a political provocation (pnn) / Latest: Passengers on the Audacity of Hope prepare for the journey to Gaza (ustogaza) / Video: US Dept of State Daily Press briefing June 24 2011 ( / Arab ship to participate in Gaza Freedom Flotilla II (kuna) / Complaint against US boat threatens Gaza voyage (maan) / Suspected Israeli agents try to sabotage Freedom Flotilla II ship's engine (pal-info) / Italian activists ask Frattini to guarantee their safety aboard Freedom Flotilla (pal-info) / Hedy Epstein, U.S. Boat to Gaza passenger (ytube) / Video: Yonatan Shapira, U.S. Boat to Gaza crew (ytube)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Picasso in Ramallah, bulldozers in Bir Al-Ad and the fear of missiles / Adam Keller (pnn) / Army stops land reclamation project (maan) / Exile-threatened Jerusalem officials mark one year in asylum (pal-info)

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International Headlines [23.06.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza-Flotte: Author Alice Walker to take part in Gaza flotilla despite US warning (haa) / German Left Party bars MPs from joining Gaza flotilla (jpost) / Hamas: Israel will not end siege; flotilla should sail (maan) / UN envoy says Israel ready to intercept Gaza-bound flotilla (maan) / Knesset: Zoabi sanctions proportional (ynet) / US: Don't go to Gaza by sea (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israeli soldiers shoot (wafa) / High Court rules Be'er Sheva mosque to be used as Islamic museum (haa) / Jerusalem Arab housing plan blocked by political right (imc) / Israel calls demolition report 'incorrect' (maan) / Jordan Valley families left homeless (maan) / IOA orders destruction of Jerusalem home (pal-info)

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International Headlines [20.06.2011]

International HeadlinesReligionsfreiheit: Gisha appeals court decision that violates Muslim freedom of worship (pnn) / Israel Land Fund incites for Ras al-Amud mosque demolition (pal-info) / Tadhamon condemns Israel's continued violations of Muslim holy sites (pal-info) / Israel moves Muslim skeletons making way for hotel in Jaffa (pal-info) / Documentary of 'price tag' mosque arson (palmon) / Court fines petitioners for demanding equal praying rights (promisedland)
Gaza-Flotte: Videos: Press conference with passengers of U.S. Boat to Gaza (endtheocc) / American Jews to join Gaza flotilla (yahoo) / The new Israeli hitlist available online (occupiedpalestine) / Gaza crew in vow over Israelis (

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International Headlines [19.06.2011]

International HeadlinesBesatzer: Israeli forces enter Tulkarem (maan) / Israeli undercover agents boast of killing Palestinians on TV (maan) / Israeli forces shoot, injure man near Qalqiliya (maan) / 'Major ordered Palestinian run over' (ynet)
Internationale Nachrichten: Peres: Time is running out on a Palestinian-Israeli peace deal (haa) / Hamas 'not involved' in Dahlan dismissal (maan) / Fatah officials visit Armenia in UN bid for statehood (maan) / PA condemns Barak statements on settlements (maan) / Abbas (maan) / Hamas: Mash‘al, Zahhar feud 'behind us' (maan) / Barghouthi urges speedy conciliation (maan) / Resheq: Fatah asked for postponement of Tuesday meeting (pal-info)
Gaza-Flotte: Israeli navy commander: 'Hate flotilla' to Gaza must be stopped (haa) / Israel has no right to stop Gaza aid flotillas (haa) / Gaza: Cradle of killing -- Americans too (opednews)

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International Headlines [18.06.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Palestinian Authority fears Israeli tax transfer freeze ( / Abbas calls on EU to recognize Palestine (yahoo) / Thabit warns: Relinquishing right of return might be price for Palestinian state (pal-info)
Gaza-Flotte: Don't look away -- the siege of Gaza must end (vcnv) / Gaza flotilla organizers disappointed by Turkish group's decision to cancel ship (haa) / 2 French ships to join Gaza flotilla (ynet)

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International Headlines [17.06.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Palestinians stick to call for settlement freeze (khaleejtimes) / Barghouti arrives in Gaza to meet factions (maan) / Haniyeh courts Turkish PM as Israel sends wishes (maan) / Negotiator: UN bid with or without negotiations (maan) / Lieberman: Palestinian UN bid undoes Oslo accords (maan) / EU, Israel spar over peace prospects (maan) / Egypt's foreign ministry denies meeting with Israeli official (mideastmon)
Gaza-Flotte: Canadian Boat to Gaza announces the delegates who will be aboard the Tahrir ( / Israel to stop Gaza flotilla regardless of cargo (yahoo) / IHH: Mavi Marmara will not sail with Gaza flotilla (maan) / PJTV: Civil lawsuit filed today against flotilla ships by terror victim (sacbee)

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International Headlines [15.06.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: EU's Ashton due in Mideast over stalled peace talks (yahoo) / Eastern Europe new battleground in Mideast rift (yahoo) / US envoys try to renew Israeli-Palestinian talks (yahoo) / European Parliament: East Jerusalem should be Palestinian capital (haa) / Fatah denies claims of unrest after Dahlan ouster (maan) / MP: No success for elections without freedom (pal-info) / Bardawil: Name of premier to be resolved in Abbas-Misha‘al meeting (pal-info) / Report: Hamas nominates Haniyeh to head government (ynet) / MK Majadele receives death threats (ynet) / Prosor assumes UN ambassador role (ynet)
Gaza-Flotte: French flotilla ship won't sail (ynet)
Nakba / Naksa: Syrian forces let Palestinians cross ceasefire lines: UN (yahoo) / Doc: Damascus behind 'Nakba' riots (ynet)

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International Headlines [13.06.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Lebanon PM: New government to liberate land under occupation of Israeli enemy (haa) / Abbas says prefers talks with Israel over UN vote on Palestinian state (haa) / US pressuring Netanyahu to accept Obama's peace plan (haa) / Ousted Dahlan speaks out on Facebook page (maan) / PA forces shut down Hamas sit-in (maan) / Israel hails Italy's opposition to Palestinian state bid (maan) / Ahrar demands priority for release of political detainees (pal-info) / Qassem: Dahlan is not the only thief (pal-info) / Hamas delegation arrives in Cairo for decisive talks with Fatah (pal-info) / Alleged Israeli spy a US citizen (ynet)
Gaza: Citizens deprived of passports in Gaza stage sit-in (occupiedpalestine) / Gaza lawyers strike over arrests (maan) / European Parliament president visits the Gaza Strip (mideastmon)

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International Headlines [05.06.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie & Internationale Nachrichten: Erekat calls on world to recognize Palestinian state (wafa) / Bulgaria confirms its support for Palestinian statehood (wafa) / Arrests of Hamas officials cloud Palestinian unity (allheadlinenews) / Libyan revolutionaries deny Israel relations talks (pal-info)
Gaza unter Belagerung: Israel allows limited goods into Gaza (maan) / Palestinians close Gaza border (maan) / Gazan dies of wounds sustained in 2006 (maan) / Gazans stage sit-in demanding entry of Malaysian aid consignment (pal-info) / Israel to close Karem Abu Salem crossing for 2 days (paltelegraph)
44. Jahrestag des Junikriegs (An-Naksa): Israeli soldiers stop march commemorating Naksa Day in Bethlehem (wafa) / Palestinians in Lebanon commemorate Naksa Day (wafa) / 90 Palestinians injured by Israeli soldiers in Qalandia (wafa) / Hundreds of Palestinians clash with IDF in West Bank Naksa Day protests (haa) / Israeli left-wing leader: IDF used excessive force in Naksa Day protests (haa) / Report: Up to 20 protesters killed as hundreds of Syrians storm Israel border (haa) / Israel quashes protest at Qalandiya checkpoint (maan) / VIDEO: Syrian death toll climbs: Majdal Shams joins riots (ynet)

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International Headlines [04.06.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Report: Abbas knows UN won't recognize Palestine (maan) / Bardawil: Abbas approval of French peace proposal 'hasty' (pal-info) / PFLP rejects French initiative, calls it a gift for Netanyahu (pal-info) / Obama delays relocation of US Embassy to Jerusalem (ynet) / Abbas nods at French bid to revive talks (ynet)
Gaza-Flotte: Devastated sewerage systems in Gaza will affect Israel too (bernama) / Salah: 1 million Turks registered for Gaza flotilla (maan)
Gaza: Tensions grow as Egypt restricts use of Rafah crossing (maan) / Official report: Gaza population 1.7 million (pal-info) / The long walk to Israel (theworld)
44. Jahrestag des Junikriegs (An-Naksa): Video: On the anniversary of Al Nakba one journalist was wounded (bilin-ffj) / Thousands march in Tel Aviv in support of Palestinian state based on 1967 borders (haa) / Israel seals Iraq Burin ahead of rally (maan) / WATCH: One protester struck in the head by shrapnel of live bullets during peaceful protest against the Israeli illegal quarry in the West Bank near the village of Shukba today (nilin-village) / A protest march in Jordan to mark the Naksa (pal-info) / Arab-Israelis hold 'Naksa Day' rally in Golan (ynet) / Report: Syria cancels 'Naksa Day' border march (ynet)

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International Headlines [03.06.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie & Internationales: Rahm Emanuel: US does not expect Israel to return to 1967 borders (haa) / US to offer Turkey role in Mideast talks if it stops Gaza flotilla (haa) / French peace plan would require Palestinian recognition of Jewish state (haa) / Juppe: Paris Mideast peace conference 'has a chance' (maan) / Ex-Mossad chief in eye of storm (ynet)
Gaza unter Belagerung: Independents contact Egypt to contain Rafah crisis (maan) / Gaza border closed (maan) / Gaza: 13 children return from treatment in Slovenia (maan) / Israeli navy forces Gazan fishermen to cast nets inland (thenational) / Palestinian fishergirl takes up her father's trade (thenational)
44. Jahrestag des Junikriegs (An-Naksa): Islamic Jihad holds rally to mark Naksa (maan) / Lebanon bans protests at Israel border (maan) / March to Lebanon-Israel border canceled (ynet)

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International Headlines [01.06.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Palestinians may try to sidestep US veto in UN statehood push (haa)
Gaza-Flotte: Photoessay: Undefeated (ingaza) / MV Finch: Three Malaysian on Gaza aid mission arrive home (bernama) / Haniyeh surprised by UN chief's opposition to flotilla (maan)
Gaza: Hamas: Rafah border is paralyzed (ahram) / Scores at Rafah spark tension with Egypt (maan) / PA ambassador to address Egypt's Rafah blacklist (maan) / Gaza's third generator to resume operations (maan) / Egypt: Consulate may open in Gaza after govt formed (maan) / Video: Gaza Reels (maxajl)
Analyse & Meinung: What about defensible borders for Palestine? (thejerusalemfund) / The US-Israeli train wreck (dissidentvoice) / Jerusalem Day celebrations will not cover up the city's rot and discrimination (haa) / Foundation myths (tabletmag)

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International Headlines [31.05.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie & Internationales: Abbas in Egypt for talks with military leader (yahoo) / Promised donor aid not arriving: Palestinian PM (yahoo) / Palestinians plan to approach UN Security Council about statehood in July (haa) / Fayyad: State will be on 1967 borders (maan)
Flottilas: Flotilla Gaza-bound again, as anniversary is remembered (972mag) / Hamas opens memorial to dead flotilla activists (yahoo) / Israeli prepping to block next Gaza flotilla (haa) / Photos of flotilla monument and ceremony (facebook)

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International Headlines [29.05.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: In pictures: Egypt-Gaza border opens at Rafah (bbc) / Egypt opens the border with Gaza - in pictures (gdn) / Gaza border crossing will remain free of European observers (haa) / Israel allows limited goods to enter Gaza (maan) / Gaza businessmen applaud Rafah opening (maan) / Israel slams Rafah reopening (maan) / Gaza committee says Ki-Moon responsible for danger ahead of flotilla (pal-info) / Hamas simulates raid on flotilla (ynet) / Gaza: Sheikh Yassin's house declared heritage site (ynet)
Internationale Nachrichten: Peres to UN official: Israel supports creation of Palestinian state through negotiations (haa) / Netanyahu asked Canada PM to thward G8 support for 1967 borders (haa) / US Senate confirms ex-Obama aide Daniel Shapiro as new ambassador to Israel (haa) / Report: Abbas, Peres held secret talks (maan) / New govt to be announced 6 June (maan)

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International Headlines [28.05.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: PGPF hopes for Egypt transport of Gaza-bound PVC pipes on land (bernama) / Fatah official hails brave Egyptian decision to open Rafah crossing (haa) / Kadima: Opening of Gaza border is national failure for Netanyahu (haa) / UN chief discourages a new Gaza aid flotilla (maan) / Travelers sought as Gaza terminal empties quickly (reuters) / Egypt re-opens Gaza border, partially dismantling siege (richardsilverstein) / Turkey: Israel should avoid flotilla faceoff (ynet) / Hundreds cross newly opened Rafah crossing (ynet) / Experts analyze opening of Rafah crossing (ynet) / Video: Opening the Rafah crossing (ytube)
Internationale Nachrichten: Abbas: No hope for peace talks, only option is UN recognition of statehood (haa) / Arab League to seek full UN membership for Palestinian state (haa) / Lieberman thanks Canada PM for objection to 1967 borders at G8 (haa) / 'Obama trying to head off trainwreck at UN in September' (haa) / Fatah, Hamas hold talks in Gaza City (maan) / PA preventive apparatus say they have no orders to change dealing with Hamas (pal-info) / Protests in Jordan demand closure of Israeli embassy (pal-info) / Lebanese NGO welcomes president's statements on right of return (pal-info) / Abbas: We want to co-exist with Israel (ynet)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [27.05.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Bibi und die Jojos” (Quelle) / Saed Bannoura: “Israelische Siedler lassen ihre Abwässer in palästinensischen Ort fließen” (Quelle) / Jane Hirschmann,: “Gaza zerfällt” (Quelle) / Gush Shalom: “Netanyahu den Frieden zurück … und beginnt einen Kollisionskurs mit den Palästinensern und der ganzen Welt” (Quelle)

International Headlines [26.05.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Mideast Quartet envoy Tony Blair: Obama anxious about Israel's fate (haa) / Sarkozy: Palestinian unity agreement is good news (haa) / Haaretz poll: Netanyahu's popularity soaring following Washington trip (haa) / PA consent on opening Gaza crossing led to Hamas reconciliation (haa) / Report: former Mossad chief supports Palestinian UN bid (maan) / Top Fatah official arrives in Gaza (maan)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [17.04.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Israel muss die Hamas-Regierung im Gazastreifen anerkennen - Tödliche Dummheit” (Quelle) / Uri Avnery: “Der Siedlerstaat” (Quelle) / Adam Keller: “Aqaba: Nur zu existieren ist schon ein Verbrechen” (Quelle) / Amira Hass: “Der Oberste Gerichtshof liegt auf der falschen Seite der Westbankmauer” (Quelle) / Larry Derfner: “Am Käfig rütteln: Wir haben den Gazastreifen im Stich gelassen, nicht wahr?” (Quelle)

International Headlines [17.04.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Donor states to PA condemn provocative flotillas to Gaza (haa) / Abbas eyes French, German help on statehood (maan) / Druze in Golan rally against Assad (ynet) / Ministers to PM: Present foreign policy in Israel (ynet)
Der Mord an Vittorio Arrigoni: Vittorio Arrigoni's mother to join Freedom Flotilla II (jnoubiyeh) / He who endures shall overcome (thecynicalarab) / Gazans to hold 'state funeral' for slain Italian ( / Gaza police up stakes for arrest in activist murder (maan) / Man arrested in the Arrigoni murder case suspected of collaboration (pal-info) / VIDEO: London vigil to pay respect to Vittorio Arrigoni (ytube)
Tag der Gefangenen: Military court orders Nabi Saleh protest organizer Bassem Tamimi remanded until end of legal proceedings (palsolidarity) / VIDEO: Israeli prison raid footage released (alj) / Palestinian Prisoners' Day (aic-news) / Abbas: No peace deal until political prisoners freed (maan) / Report: Sheikh Salah detained at Allenby (maan) / IOF troops violently disperse relatives of Palestinian prisoners (pal-info) / Relatives of detainees ask Ramallah authority to release them (pal-info) / Report: More than 130 prison raids in 2010 (pal-info) / IOF troops detain 7 in Silwan, a minor in Al-Khalil (pal-info) / PCHR: Narratives behind locked doors (pchrgaza) / Haniyeh says no to Shalit compromise (ynet)

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International Headlines [15.04.2011]

International HeadlinesNachrichten: US Senate urges UN to rescind Goldstone's Gaza report (haa)
Analyse & Meinung & Interview & Review: You have the right to remain occupied (thejerusalemfund) / Walking the wall: comedian Mark Thomas interviewed (ei) / 'Tears of Gaza' -- lest our tears dry up (palchron)
Der Mord an Vittorio Arrigoni: Vittorio Arrigoni - Hero of Palestine (ei) / Vik: a friend, a brother, a humanist (ingaza) / Gaza mourns Vittorio Arrigoni (mweiss) / Gaza's symbolic funeral for Vittorio Arrigoni - in pictures (occupiedpalestine) / Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank unite in mourning of slain activist Vittorio Arrigoni (palsolidarity) / Hero of Gaza: Vittorio Arrigoni, kidnapped and murdered / Tim King and Bonnie King (salem) / Storify: Vittorio Arrigoni murdered by jihadists in Gaza (storify) / Cartoonist Carlos Latuff on Vittorio Arrigoni (twitpic) / Dismay and sorrow in hometown of Italian activist (dstar) / Video: "A beautiful soul (demnow) / Hamas official hints Israel killed Italian activist to intimidate future Gaza flotilla members (haa) / Remembering Vik (icahd) / Salafi leader: Islam prohibits murder (maan) / Abbas: Murder of activist 'grotesque (maan) / Haniyeh orders swift investigation after Italian activist murdered (maan) / Hamas condemns murder of Italian ISM activist (pal-info) / STAY HUMAN ... Freedom Flotilla renames voyage in honor of slain activist Vittorio Arrigoni (paltelegraph) / Friends of murdered Italian activist 'devastated' (ynet) / From the place he loved, in memory of Vittorio (msuliman)

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International Headlines [14.04.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Netanyahu invited to give Mideast peace speech before US Congress (haa) / EU opens market to Palestinian exports (maan) / Fatah insists 'there are no political prisoners' (maan) / Israeli tank 'enters disputed area' in Lebanon (maan) / Russia asks Israel to prove its arms were used in bus attack (pal-info) / Turkey tells Israel: Gaza flotilla not up to us (trust) / PA seeks US support for statehood (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: Blowback: Israel's bogus narrative on Palestinian refugees (opinion.latimes) / Inside Intel - Yoram Cohen's take on Hamas (haa) / Israel must recognize Hamas government in Gaza (haa) / Video-- Krauthammer: Israel has 'given away' claim to West Bank6 (jpost)
Raub & Judaisierung & Ethnische Säuberung & Siedler: Dawn raid targets Palestinian minors in Silwan (silwan) / Israel's plan for next year's school curriculum: reinforcing Jewish and Zionist values (haa) / Israel to grant preference to settlers in gun licensing procedure (haa) / Police plan for evicting settlers from East Jerusalem building leaked online (haa) / Boy hurt in northern West Bank clash (maan) / IOF violate court decision, raze Bedouin homes in Nuwaimi‘ah (pal-info) / Palestinian says 150 trees cut down by settlers (ynet) / The new Christian settlers (ynet) / Samaria: Settlers attack Palestinian farmers (ynet)

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International Headlines [13.04.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Naxhrichten: Spanish royal meets Palestinian president (yahoo) / Clinton: US plans new push on Israeli-Palestinian peace (haa) / Egypt orders review of gas contracts with Israel (haa) / Fayyad to request $5 billion to launch Palestinian state (haa) / Israel minister: US will veto Palestine declaration (maan) / Unity protesters plan to recruit thousands (maan) / Meshaal and Shalah to visit Cairo within days (mideastmon) / Abu Marzouk: Hamas vision for Palestinian reconciliation contradicts Abbas initiative (pal-info) / Zoabi: Palestinians entitled to defend themselves (pal-info) / US peace push must come soon -- Palestinians (trust) / 'US will have hard time standing alone in UN' (ynet) / MK Zoabi: I hope Arabs launch intifada (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: Interview: US backs down and grants visa to Omar Barghouti (demnow) / Miral defies racial stereotypes of Arabs in the media (huffpo) / The future of Palestinians in Israel as it transforms into a religious state (mideastmon)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Aqaba: the crime of existing (adam-keller2) / Settler hits Palestinian child with car in Hebron (pnn) / Israeli forces raid family home following arrest of son (silwan) / Settler aggression against Palestinian children in Hebron (aic-news)

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International Headlines [12.04.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie & Internationale Nachrichten: US postpones Quartet meet on Israel-Palestinian peace talks (haa) / UN report: Palestinian Authority is paving the way to statehood (haa) / While Netanyahu met Merkel in Berlin, envoys pushed in US for European peace conference (haa) / Protesters still on hunger strike after 17 days (maan) / Palestinians deny Syria to host factional mediation (maan) / Fatah wins seats in Gaza union election (maan) / Prisoners held despite court order identified (maan)
Analyse & Meinung: Four notes on the upcoming war in Gaza, 'Scorching Summer' (972mag) / Hamas has every right to smuggle weapons in to Gaza (occupiedpalestine)
Raub & Judaisierung & Ethnische Säuberung & Siedler: Settlers continue seizing land, uprooting trees in West Bank (wafa) / Al Maqdesi: 200 demolition orders in J'lem since 2011 started (occupiedpalestine) / IOF arrests minor, settlers uproot olive trees in tense West Bank (occupiedpalestine) / Palestinian teen arrested while washing his car in Silwan (silwan) / AIC Video: Apartheid and resistance in Nuaman (aic-news) / Settler council: Netanyahu's West Bank pullout plan radiates panic (haa) / Islamic-Christian commission warns of serious Judaization plan in J'lem (pal-info) / Violent confrontations in Silwan (pal-info) / Netanyahu backs construction in Itamar (ynet)

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International Headlines [11.04.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie & Internationales: Israel urges Europe to stop Freedom Flotilla 2 from sailing to Gaza (haa) / PA: State will be ready by September (maan) / Lieberman: Israel should topple Hamas (maan) / US to support Iron Dome funding (ynet) / Israel claims Russian missile hit school bus (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: The sharp end of Hebron (palsolidarity) / Supreme Court is on wrong side of West Bank separation fence (haa) / Israel should recognize Palestinian statehood (haa) / Israel wouldn't need propaganda if it changed its policies (haa) / Time for disengagement No. 2 (haa)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Palestinian run over by Israeli drivers in Jerusalem following collision (silwan) / High Court petition against Israeli revocation of Palestinian right to live in Jerusalem (aic-news) / Meet on new settlement construction postponed due to pressure from Netanyahu (haa) / Israeli military demolishes a water well and a farm in Bethlehem (imc) / News on Al Hadidya (jordansolid) / Urgent news flash on Fasayil (jordansolid) / Israel demolishes Negev homes on Monday (pal-info)

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International Headlines [08.04.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Did a private meeting prompt Goldstone to change his mind? (forward) / The next Israeli-Arab war, Goldstone will be there (haa) / Patently irrelevant (haa) / When the walls come tumbling down (haa) / Twilight Zone: Mer's last show (haa)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Palestinian family in town of Ramle under threat of eviction (aic-news) / Blocks in the desert (haa) / Nighttime demolitions in Al Duyuk (jordansolid)

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International Headlines [07.04.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie & Internationales: Palestinians left skeptical on unity prospects (maan) / Abbas in Cairo (maan) / Austrian foreign minister enters Gaza through Rafah border crossing (mideastmon) / Fatah probes Dahlan and Rashid for supplying weapons to Gaddafi (mideastmon) / Egypt invites Mishaal, Shallah to visit Cairo (pal-info) / Israeli official: We struck in Sudan (ynet) / 60% of Egyptians support peace with Israel (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Settler leader downplays WikiLeaks comments on West Bank evacuation (haa) / 10 tractors were confiscated in ‘Ein Al Beida and Bardala (jordansolid) / Homes and roads destroyed in Aqaba (jordansolid) / Demolitions in Samra (jordansolid) / Israel and Palestinians have conflicting visions for village's future (lat) / Homes, roads taken down near Tubas (maan) / Sit-in in Jenin against Israeli decision to exile 8 prisoners (pal-info)

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Die 'taz' - Ein Fall für 'Boycott, Desinvestment und Sanctions' [06.04.2011]

'taz' boykottieren?! Unter allen Nachrufen, die nach der Ermordung Juliano Mer-Khamis in der Presse veröffentlicht wurden, gab es nur einen einzigen Nachruf, in dem Juliano Mer-Khamis nach allen Regeln israelischer PR-Kunst verleumdet und mit Dreck beworfen wurde.
Die Autorin dieses Werks heisst Susanne Knaul. Und abgedruckt wurde das Machwerk in der laut wikipedia "1978 in West-Berlin als linkes, selbstverwaltetes Zeitungsprojekt" gegründeten taz.

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Ergänzende Links:
"Jul[iano] ist verrückt gewesen", sagt ein etwa Zwölfjähriger … "Ich bin froh, dass er tot ist, denn er war ja Jude." (Nachruf auf Juliano Mer-Khamis, 5.4.2011, taz)
SIEDLER Anita Tucker ging nicht freiwillig aus Gaza weg … (12.8.2010, taz)

International Headlines [06.04.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie & Internationale Beziehungen: US committed to ending anti-Israel bias on UN council (haa) / Abbas meets Ramallah hunger strikers (maan) / Lieberman heads to Germany in bid to block Gaza flotilla (pal-info) / Israel may send Qassam victims abroad (ynet) / Report: Bibi wants discount on German submarine (ynet) / Prince Felipe of Spain to visit Israel (ynet) / Sudan: Israel behind airstrike (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Despite house arrest, Jerusalem activist will fight for Silwan (ei) / Israel inaugurates new road linking Kiryat Arba settlement with Hebron's Old City (aic-news) / Shoot 'em up, Biblical style: West Bank settlers commission video games (fastcompany) / EU approval of East Jerusalem settlement expansion is deeply disappointing (haa) / Israel expedites vote on hundreds of new homes beyond Green Line (haa) / Settlement to pay NIS 750,000 for shooting death of Palestinian (haa) / Israeli forces raid north Jordan Valley villages (maan) / Report: Settler vineyard bulldozed (maan)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [02.04.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Yvonne Deutsch: “100 Jahre internationaler Frauentag” (Quelle) / Uri Avnery: “Napoleons Diktum” (Quelle) / Gideon Levy: “Wer ist krank genug, um Amos Oz zu zensieren?” (Quelle) / popular struggle: “Bil'in: Abdullah Abu Rahmah ist frei” (Quelle) / Neve Gordon: “Über palästinensischen zivilen Ungehorsam” (Quelle) / Paula Abrams-Hourani: “Paula Abrams-Hourani an Aachener Friedenspreis”

International Headlines [02.04.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Mute until age four, Palestinian girl speaks like a scholar (pnn) / Is the settlement boycott misdirected? (jodana) / Signs of the times: two indications of the future of Israel/Palestine? (lbog.thejerusalemfund) / Interview with Stuart Littlewood: The Zionists wield their influence by winning the ongoing propaganda war (salem) / Israel's new military ally (jnews) / The impoverishment of Palestinian Arabs in Israel (mideastmon)
Politik & Diplomatie: Sha‘ath: Palestinian leaders mulling one-state solution (maan) / Abu Obeida: Abbas must release detainees for unity (maan) / Hamas: German mediator failed to make Shalit deal (maan) / Ban stresses concern over stalled peace talks in phone call with Israeli premier (relief)

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International Headlines [01.04.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Gaza doctor's story: a painful legacy of occupation (forward) / Right for the wrong reasons (cpunch) / The US Congress's pet pariah (cpunch) / A blink of Israeli pride amid our anti-democratic fest (haa) / Married to the revolution (haa)
Politik & Diplomatie: Hamas bars Fatah commemoration in Gaza (arabnews) / Palestinian leader wants US backing in UN proposal (AP) (ctv) / Abbas urges Quartet to draft new peace plan (haa) / Brazil hosts first Palestinian 'embassy' in Americas (Reuters) (haa) / PA forces arrest bureau director of Fatah's Dahlan (jpost) / Hamas says new cabinet shuffle proceeding (maan) / US prefers negotiation to Palestinian UN drive (maan) / Gaza PM meets representative of the Jordanian chief of staff (mideastmon) / Dahlan faces partial boycott of press conference (mideastmon)

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International Headlines [31.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Corporate media delete US role in Hamas-Fatah split (alexbkane) / Video: Benjamin Netanyahu's heart of darkness (mweiss) / A new Palestinian movement: young, networked, nonviolent (yahoo) / Video: In search of the spirit of Al-Andalus (gdn)
Politik & Diplomatie & Internationale Beziehungen: Israeli map shows nearly 1 (yahoo) / Stop the Wall releases new report on Brazil's military relations with Israel (bdsmovement) / 'U.K. didn't always feel safe to share intelligence with Israel' (haa) / Fatah wins Birzeit University elections (maan) / Protest tent in Ramallah square vandalized (maan) / Uruguay, Palestine sign mutual recognition agreement (maan) / Israel envoys: Recognize interim Palestinian state (maan) / Hamas meets with Supreme Council ruling Egypt (pal-info)

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International Headlines [28.03.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Internationales: Abbas would give up US aid for Palestinian unity (yahoo) / Israel questions Argentina over Buenos Aires attacks (bbc) / Report: Turkey brokering Hamas-Israel truce (maan) / Fatah: Abbas awaiting Hamas response (maan) / Abbas moves on PLO constitution amendments (maan) / Swiss president announces plan to break Gaza siege (veteranstoday)
Siedler: Settler car strikes child near Hebron (maan) / Settler vandalism, harassment reported in south (maan) / Poll: 46% in favor of 'price tag' (ynet)

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International Headlines [27.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Who is afraid of Julian Schnabel? (alj) / Hamas and the urge to power (palchron) / False symmetry: teaching Holocaust in Gaza schools (palchron) / Israel's problem is the settlements, not J Street (haa) / So whose Nakba is this? (haa) / Handela -- How one orphan became a national icon (palmon) / Who is annexing whom? (gush-shalom)
Politik & Diplomatie: European countries want UN, not US, to advance Mideast peace talks (haa) / Hamas' military wing says it won't guarantee Abbas' safety in Gaza (haa) / Shalev: UNGA 'Palestine' resolution may have real impact (jpost) / US casts only vote for Israel in UNHRC (jpost) / Syrian gov't blames Palestinians for unrest (ynet)

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International Headlines [26.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Happy Birthday, Deya, rest in peace (thejerusalemfund) / The top 7 terms that distort Israel/Palestine (thejerusalemfund) / Natural flow of history: Hamas should rethink its charter (palchron) / A Confession - a poem (palchron) / Gaza children gather to support Japan (maan) / The Nakba law deepens apartheid in Israel (palmon) / Women at the front (palmon) / Hopes high, hopes dashed in Palestine (uruk)
Politik & Internationales: Palestinian president meets Hamas to talk unity (yahoo) / Video: United States of Israel (pulse) / Abbas: No peace agreement before all prisoners in Israel are released (maan) / Canada: Gaza rocket strikes 'criminal' (ynet) / Diplomats: New European peace proposal (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Nakba law and nakba map produce nakba dream (972mag) / Suspended in time -- Lifta under threat (ei) / Heavy military presence in Silwan after Molotov cocktails thrown (silwan) / Israeli forces demolish Palestinian tent in Tubas (maan)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [21.03.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Libyen - Intervention: Ein schmutziges Wort” (Quelle) / Jody McIntire: “Zwei Jahre nach Operation Cast Lead bleibt der Gazastreifen noch immer eingesperrt” (Quelle) / Itamar Eichner: “YNET-Kolumnist: Medien de-humanisieren Palästinenser” (Quelle) / Ijan: “BDS - Statement des 'International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network'” (Quelle) / U. Vestring: “Massaker in Itamar - Was steckt dahinter?” / Amos Harel und Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz: “Massaker in Itamar - Die IDF fährt mit den Massenverhaftungen fort” (Quelle) / Idan Barir: “Zeugnis von Idan Barir ('Combattants for peace')” (Quelle) / E. Rohlfs: “Ein offener Brief an Frau Gitta Connemann (DIG-Vorstand): Die besonderen Beziehungen der BRD zu Israel” / PCBS: “PCBS - Statistisk über die israelischen Siedlungen vom Jahr 2009” (Quelle)

International Headlines [21.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Audio: Scott Horton interviews Jesse Rosenfeld (antiwar) / Egypt proved to Palestinians that revolution has a point (haa) / Netanyahu's public service announcement to Hamas (haa) / Al Jazeera video: Palestine - British Archives - 1931 (ytube)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Settlers attack residents in northern West Bank (pnn) / Israeli Settler Violence Report: January and February 2011 (aic-news) / Remarks by defense official show government soft on West Bank building violations (haa) / Settlers stab Palestinian south of Hebron (maan) / Settler opens fire on funeral procession (maan) / Aqsa Mosque's servants foil attempt by armed settler to kill worshipers (pal-info) / Worrying increase of home demolitions (unrwa) / Israel returns czarist site in Jerusalem to Russia (ynet) / UN official: Israel engaging in ethnic cleansing (ynet)

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International Headlines [16.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Young Palestinians: why their grass-roots protests fizzled (yahoo) / Settlement construction has no connection to punishment (haa) / In Pictures: Growing up Palestinian in the Age of the Wall (time) / Israeli columnist: Media dehumanizes Palestinians (ynet)
Politik & Diplomatie: UK 'extremely (maan) / PLO: Israel has exploited Itamar murders (maan) / Uruguay recogni (maan) / France: EU recognition of Palestinian state 'a possibility' (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Three arrested in Hebron, troops cut down olive trees, pile waste near Bethlehem (pnn) / Israeli police attempt to seize children from their home in Wadi Hilweh (silwan) / Olive trees destroyed in West Bank village of At-Tuwani (aic-news) / Settlers create new West Bank outpost in memory of slain family (haa) / Settler fires on Palestinian car from moving vehicle (maan) / Israel to displace 13 Arab families from their home in 1948 occupied lands (pal-info) / IOA bans Sheikh Bakirat from entering his office at Aqsa Mosque (pal-info)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [14.03.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Die Zwerge” (Quelle) / Adam Keller: “Al-Arakib: Gibt es denn so etwas?” (Quelle) / David Steele: “Al-Arakib wird noch einmal zerstört III” (Quelle) / Gideon Levy: “Israels Diplomaten sind feige Proagandisten” (Quelle) / Gush Shalom: “Die Knesset verbietet Konsumentenproteste gegen die Besatzung” (Quelle) / Goldberg Denis: “Der Auftrag: Ein Leben für die Freiheit – Denis Goldberg in Israel” / ISM: “Dorf Khirbet Tana vom israelischen Militär vollständig zerstört” (Quelle) / Saed Bannoura: “UN verurteilt die israelische Zerstörung des palästinensischen Wassersystems” (Quelle)

International Headlines [13.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: The Itamar victimization dance is disgusting (972mag) / Israel can no longer pretend there is no Mideast conflict (haa) / The Itamar massacre and Bibi's trap (haa) / AIPAC's latest strategy (huffpo) / Permanent temporariness (lrb)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Settlers torch Palestinian car in Tel Rumeida (palsolidarity) / The village of Awarta faces repression from soldiers after attack on settlers (palsolidarity) / Israeli forces fire live ammunition in Wadi Hilweh (silwan) / Yishai: Israel must build 1,000 new units in settlements for every person murdered (haa) / Settler attacks against Palestinians escalate (maan) / Israel announces massive settlement expansion (maan) / Army: Palestinian detained with Molotov cocktails (maan) / Settlers throw Molotov cocktails at cars in Nablus (maan) / Armed Jewish settlers savagely attack Palestinians in Hawara (pal-info) / Israeli troops attack Palestinian worshipers at Aqsa Mosque (pal-info) / Video: Israel destruction of Jordan Valley (ytube)

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International Headlines [11.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Who benefits from EU-Israel academic cooperation? (ei) / Israel's Negev 'frontier' (alj) / Decline and fall of Israel's Messianic politics (haa) / Jerusalem & Babylon / Lobbying for the release of Jonathan Pollard will only worsen US ties (haa) / While we curl up comfortably (haa) / Right's diversionary tactic (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Ibrahim Aoudeh released, brother remains behind bars ( / Israeli settlers threaten Western diplomats (yahoo) / Gas fired into family home in Bir Ayyub (silwan) / Undercover forces infiltrate Silwan, heavy barrage of tear gas fired on prayer attendees (silwan) / Street in al-Thuri sealed off as clashes continue (silwan) / Palestinian family in East Jerusalem told to make way for Jewish settlers (gdn) / Bedouin reject compensation offer, accuse Israel of land grab (haa) / Left-leaning youth to initiate new West Bank settlement (haa) / Army destroys wells (maan) / Land Center: Israel committed more than 25 violations last month in Jerusalem (pal-info) / Bedouins slated to get ownership of Negev lands (ynet)

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International Headlines [09.03.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Restricted in al-Walaja (pnn) / Israeli plan to demolish unauthorised West Bank outpost condemned (gdn) / Settlers to diplomats: Go home! (maan) / Human Rights Watch - Israel: Stop discriminatory home demolitions (relief) / Rabbi Wolpo regrets inciting remarks (ynet) / Vilnai: IDF must drill for settler violence (ynet) / Kfir Brigade troops threaten mutiny (ynet)
Politik - Diverses: British FM slams Hamas over Palestinian vote (yahoo) / Danish minister fired in row on citizenship for Palestinians (yahoo) / Europe in policy U-turn to Mediterranean partners (yahoo) / IDF: We won't be able to contain widespread civil uprising in West Bank (haa) / Abbas says situation in PA's territories stable (jpost) / Abbas hints at resignation (maan) / Elections committee opens voter registration (maan)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [07.03.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Die falsche Seite” (Quelle) / “Rabbiner für Vernichtungslager” (Quelle) / Sergio Yahni: “Israel veröffentlicht Order, nach der 600 palästinensischen Beduinen aus der Jerusalemer Region vertrieben werden sollen” (Quelle) / Gideon Levy: “Geisterstadt : Hebron” (Quelle) / Rami Almeghari: “Gazas Wiederaufbau wird zur Geisel der Politik” (Quelle)

International Headlines [05.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: West Bank wind of change / Joseph Dana & Jesse Rosenfeld (jodana) / Palestinians may be looking for peace beyond Washington (haa) / Roots of the Arab revolts and premature celebrations (intifada-palestine) / Legal Affairs: Forgive and forget? (jpost) / The necessity procedure: Laws of torture in Israel and beyond, 1987-2009 / Itamar Mann & Omer Shatz (legalleft) / A transformative generation (maan) / Arabs challenge Israeli hasbara (maan) / Wrong side (gush-shalom)
Politik: Israelis 'fear greater peace pressure': poll (yahoo) / Abbas: Palestinian state must become permanent member of UN (haa) / Barak: Make-up of government is problematic for advancing peace (haa) / Fatah officials demand Abbas fire Western-backed Fayyad (haa) / Netanyahu: Binational state would be disastrous for Israel (haa) / Fayyad takes questions on Facebook (maan) / EU's Ashton mulls scrapping Mideast envoy job (maan) / Hamas confirms new unity plan underway (maan) / Chile's Pinera seeks to push peace on Mideast trip (maan) / Erekat: Negotiations staff are Palestinians (maan) / Netanyahu wants 40% of West Bank under Israeli control (zawya)

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International Headlines [03.03.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik: Israel: No Palestinian peace deal possible now (boston) / PLO envoy tells US Jews: Peace process must lead to Palestinian state (haa) / Diplomat: I can no longer represent Israel (ynet) / Israel's envoy in Jordan reprimanded (ynet) / PA: 150 states to recognize Palestine by September (ynet) / Obama: Israelis must show seriousness on peace (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Netanyahu's promise to dismantle illegal outposts is a big step backward (972mag) / Rightists march in Jaffa and go on the attack in the West Bank (972mag) / Facing up to Jewish nationalism and racist violence / Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana (ei) / Jerusalem Post describes a Jewish settler throwing Molotov cocktail into a Palestinian house as 'vandalism' (mweiss) / Rightists launch 'day of rage' over West Bank outpost demolition (haa) / Dozens of Palestinians injured in clashes with police in Jaffa (pal-info) / MKs: Probe outpost evacuation (ynet) / Op-ed: Above the law in Samaria (ynet) / Disobedient settler gets jail time; rightists plan 'day of rage' (ynet) / Palestinians: Settlers set car on fire near Ramallah (ynet) / A peek into settlers' war room (ynet) / 'Day of Rage': Tires torched near Jerusalem (ynet) / PA: World must act on settler violence (zawya)

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International Headlines [02.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Not so different after all? (antiwar) / What does the Arab world do when the water runs out? (gdn) / Peace now, with Syria (ynet)
Politik: Palestinian, Chinese officials agree to boost trade collaborations (peopledaily) / Mideast quartet due in Israel in bid to restart peace talks (haa) / Veteran Israeli diplomat: Netanyahu and Lieberman harming Israel's stance in international community (haa) / Netanyahu mulls Palestinian state with temporary borders as part of interim peace deal (haa) / UN delegates 'walked out' during Clinton speech (maan) / Hamas: Fayyad unity plan 'born dead' (maan) / Jordanian rights group to sue Israel after explosion kills child (pal-info)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israel destroys wells near Hebron: witnesses (yahoo) / Jerusalem panel approves 14 new Jewish homes in Arab neighborhood (haa) / Third day in the Jordan Valley (jordansolid) / Israeli bulldozers demolish Khirbet Tana (maan) / Settlement outpost expands (maan) / IOF troops uproot olive trees, detain Jerusalemite and serve eviction notices (pal-info) / Jewish settlers mobilize for Thursday of Rage against Palestinians (pal-info) / IOF troops detain 6 Palestinians in Al-Khalil, destroy pond as settlers escalate (pal-info)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [01.03.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Der irre Prophet” (Quelle) / Adam Keller: “Ein Pyrrhussieg im UN-Sicherheitsrat” (Quelle) / GYBO: “Aufruf der freien Gazajugend: Aufruf für eine vereinigte Führung” (Quelle) / Gilad Atzmon: “Gilad Atzmons Ansprache auf der Stuttgarter Einestaaten-Konferenz 2010” (Quelle) / Patrick Seale: “Die Zukunft des (de-) stabilisierenden israelisch-ägyptischen Friedensvertrages” (Quelle) / Physicians for Human Rights-Israel : “Bericht vom Besuch der Ärzte für Menschenrechte in Israel (PHR-I) in Gaza (17. - 18. Feb)” (Quelle) / Gershon Baskin: “Dem Frieden begegnen: Spiegelein, Spiegelein an der Wand” (Quelle) / Edelgard Meyer (EAPPI): “EAPPI: Rundbrief von Edelgard Meyer zu Uptrup Ende Februar 2011” / Perdana Global Peace Foundation: “Gaza: Zunehmende Seuchengefahr infolge fehlender Kläranlagen” (Quelle)

International Headlines [01.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Far-right Jewish white supremacist authors Tennessee anti-Islam bill (alexbkane) / Arab pride reborn through revolution / Yasmeen El Khoudary from the Gaza Strip (ei) / On recruiting informers (mahsanmilim)
Politik: Palestinians call for unity protest on 15 March (ei) / PA militias: Our collaboration with Israel is for the Palestinian people's good (pal-info)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israel issues eviction orders to 600 Palestinian Bedouins in Jerusalem area (aic-news) / The Israelis keep bulldozing their village, but still the Bedouin won't give up their land (gdn) / Jerusalem court indicts 17 pro-settlement protesters (haa) / Top rabbi demands dialogue before West Bank outposts are demolished (haa) / Israeli security forces defend use of rubber bullets during West Bank outpost demolition (haa) / Settlers burn Palestinian home in Nablus (maan) / Second settler hit-and-run injures Hebron boy (maan) / Report: Israel to legalize tens of outposts (maan) / Settlers plan 'Day of Rage' in West Bank (maan) / Israel allocates $24m to judaize eastern Jerusalem (pal-info) / Settlers attack home, uproot olive trees in Bethlehem (paltelegraph) / Price tag: Palestinian vehicles vandalized in Hebron (ynet) / Barak: Settlers' anti-razing protest a 'provovation' (ynet)

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International Headlines [28.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Documentary on Tel Aviv school, Strangers No More (haa) / In Netanyahu's bunker (haa) / Will Palestinians topple govts if rivalry continues? (maan) / Protecting Palestine through cultural heritage (palmon) / A crazy prophet (gush-shalom)
Politik: US Palestinian community to PA -- 'You're fired' (mweiss) / Israel's Barak: Must look beyond risks (yahoo) / Netanyahu wary of new international efforts in peace process (haa) / MK Ahmed Tibi: Israeli Arab leaders who visited Libya didn't back Gadhafi (haa) / Fatah sets new standards for cabinet selection (maan) / Hamas' Mash‘al to attend funeral of Turkey leader (maan) / Hamas quashes small pro-unity rally in Gaza (trust) / DFLP calls on Hamas, Fatah to take lessons from Arab revolts (uruk)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Golan residents recall their Tahrir (alj) / Army orders home demolitions in Hebron and Jerusalem (pnn) / Colonists attack Arab vehicles after evacuations near Nablus (gulfnews) / What if Israeli forces treated West Bank settlers like Arabs? (haa) / Eight settlers arrested in clashes with police in illegal West Bank outpost (haa) / Sewage without borders (haa) / Tel Aviv to build affordable housing for Jaffa's Arab residents (haa) / Netanyahu slams settlers for illegal outposts (jpost) / The continual struggle of Al-Arakib (palmon) / Settlers: 15 injured in Havat Gilad (ynet) / Rightists trying to block Jerusalem intersection (ynet)

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International Headlines [27.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Toward Palestine's 'Mubarek moment' (alj) / One nation, under repression: the Arab world and the 'Palestine effect' (muftah) / Either democracy -- or Hebron (haa) / Arab MKs must beg forgiveness for Libya visit (haa) / Before the almond trees disappear (haa) / The racist entity that is taking over Israel must be toppled (haa) / From Chicago to the world: about Mordechai Vanunu and a 'brief' history (salem)
Politik: Unity tops agenda in West Bank (maan) / Dweik: Call for elections illegal (pal-info)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem's visa revoked ( / Ein il Hilwe opening day (jordanvalleysolidarity) / Hebron girl hit by settler car (maan) / Israeli bulldozers raze Palestinian home in Negev village (pal-info) / Khater: Coming tourism conference marks Israeli success in Judaizing Jerusalem (pal-info) / N. Jordan Valley sit-in highlights education dilemma under occupation (pal-info)

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International Headlines [26.02.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik: New European plan to hit Hamas and strengthen Fatah's militia (abna) / Hamas may join unity gov't - but not Fayyad's (maan)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Support your own illegal Israeli settlement [satire] ( / Mayor: Settlers damage field near Ramallah (maan) / PA official: Extremists torch Palestinian car (maan)

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International Headlines [24.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: In Israel, the revolution has already begun (haa) / An irresponsible rabbinate (haa) / People get ready -- there's a train a-comin' (jpost) / In Gaza: Jeans, hookah, a bike, my rights? (paltelegraph)
Politik & Diplomatie: Only four MKs vote to annex West Bank (jpost) / 2,000 rally in Bethlehem to end rivalry - clashes erupt at checkpoint (maan) / Gaza govt may postpone cabinet reshuffle (maan) / Thousands in Nablus rally against US veto (maan) / PLO leader: Hamas loyal to other countries (upi) / MKs chide PM in stormy Knesset debate (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israel destroys hundreds of West Bank olive trees to lay settlement water line (mweiss) / Vanishing East Jerusalem: EU must use association council to ensure Israel respects international law (aic-news) / Israel destroys agricultural lands near Salfit (maan) / Knesset debates bill to abolish the status of Arabic as an official language in Israel (mideastmon) / Thursday of rage in Negev to protest Israeli demolitions (pal-info)

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International Headlines [23.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: How the 'NYT' swallowed the Stuxnet worm (mweiss) / Palestinians: The unsustainable may no longer be sustainable (carnegieendowment) / The UN voting record of Susan Rice on Palestinian rights (cdream) / Is the West Bank next? (huffpo) / Jordan's balancing act (merip) / From Tahrir Square to Shatila Camp, 'hurriya' (freedom) (salem)
Politik & Diplomatie: Fatah official: 28 Jerusalem-area municipalities to boycott USAID in response to veto (pnn) / Lieberman: Israel conflict 'not linked' to Arab turmoil (maan) / Fayyad proposes unity gov't with Hamas (maan) / Israeli president: Arab protests 'opportunity for peace' (maan) / Palestinian FM: Statehood by September (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israeli tanks escort bulldozers in Gaza raid (abna) / Israeli authorities prevent street paving in West Bank (wafa) / Palestinian house inside cage in Jewish settlement (yahoo) / Witnesses: Israeli bulldozers uproot 250 olive trees (maan) / Settlers injure 2 Palestinians near Nablus (maan) / Villagers: Settlers torch two cars near Nablus (maan) / Israel bars ICRC aid from reaching homeless Bedouin (maan) / Israel targets water wells and tents near Hebron (paltelegraph)

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International Headlines [22.02.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Al-Tuwani children's struggle to go to school (ei) / Suffering there and back: the story of the Palestinians who build illegal settlements (pnn) / Self-demolition in Beit Suhur (silwan) / New demolitions in Khirbet Yerza (jordanvalleysolidarity) / Court to debate sealing mosque in West Bank village Burin (jpost) / Israeli bulldozers bury Bedouin village (maan) / Senior UN official condemns Israeli demolition of Palestinian shelter (un) / Plans to expand Har Homa rejected (ynet)

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Revolution [22.02.2011]

Revolution! Analyse: Der Unterschied zwischen Iran und Ägypten (J. Raimondo, awar) / Amerikas Zionisten gegen die ägyptische Demoratiebewegung (J. Petras, gr) / Gadhafi widersetzt sich grausam, aber die arabische, demokratische Revolution ist bei weitem noch nicht am Ende (D. Hirst, gdn) / Ägypten:: Die Rolle der Frauen beim Aufstand (jad) / Bahrain: Ein Aufstand an der Schwelle zur Revolution (R. Fisk, ind) / Libyen: Gadhafis warnen - "Unser Abgang bedeutet endlosen Krieg" (gdn) / Der Versuch den Aufstand blutig niederzuschlagen bestärkt die Protestierer (gdn) / Für Gadhafi heisst es zu töten oder getötet zu werden (gdn) / Gadhafis Sohn: "Wir werden sie alle auslöschen" (gdn) / Palästina: Fatah organisiert Demos, um Kritikern den Wind aus den Segeln zu nehmen (tau) / HAMAS untersagt männlichen Friseuren die Tätigkeit in Damensalons (gdn)

Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [21.02.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Der Geist ist aus der Flasche” (Quelle) / Adam Keller : “Die Tauben kehren zurück nach Al-Arakib” (Quelle) / Rami Almeghari: “Israelischer Angriff zerstört neue Fabrik in Gaza” (Quelle) / Gideon Levy: “Wie Schulausflüge nach Hebron Besuchen in Auschwitz ähneln” (Quelle) / Ilan Pappe: “Ägyptens Revolution und Israel: "schlecht für die Juden"” (Quelle) / Joseph Dana: “Die israelische Armee unterdrückt den Dissens über Verhaftungen von Kindern mitten in der Nacht” (Quelle) / Circarre Parrhesia/ David Steele: “Palästinensischer Steinbruch bei Bethlehem soll geschlossen werden” (Quelle) / Yasmeen El Khoudary: “Wolkenkreise am Himmel über Gaza” (Quelle)

International Headlines [21.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Tawtin or Return (cpunch) / Israeli education: Molding fascists, one student at a time (haa) / Palestinian Gandhi, mark II (maxajl) / US veto confirms America's favor in Israel, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi MP (palmon) / Division in Palestine (palmon)
Politik: Israel 'gravely' concerned as two Iranian naval ships approach Suez Canal (csmon) / Fatah wants reconciliation with Hamas: spokesman (AFP) (yahoo) / Iran warships expected to arrive at Suez Canal early Tuesday (haa) / IDF deputy chief: Israel's army needs faith in God more than tanks (haa) / Israel monitoring Suez-bound Iran ships, but sees no real threat (haa) / Egyptian authorities release Palestinian smuggler (maan)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israeli Committee Mulls Bill to Thwart Future Settlement Freeze ( / Families forced out as army occupies Jerusalem rooftop (imeu) / Citizen injured, homes damaged after savage attack by settlers in Al-Khalil (pal-info) / Housing Minister condemns large-scale settlement construction plan in OJ (pal-info) / IOF troops bulldoze Khirbat Tana for fifth time (pal-info)

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Revolution! Analyse: Die Entsorgung von Diktatoren gehört zum Geschäft der USA (M. Chossudovsky, grs) / Die fünf wichtigsten Mythen über die Proteste im Nahen und Mittleren Osten (J. Cole) / Interview mit dem Analysten Nader Hashemi auf TRN (trn) / Ägypten:: Schwarzer Humor in den Zeiten der Diktatur (R. Fisk, ind) / Bahrain: Demonstranten kehren auf Bahrains Tahrir-Platz zurück (alj) / Robert Fisk: 'Sie versuchten nicht vor den Kugeln wegzurennen' (ind) / Libyen: Gaddhafi lässt scharf schiessen - Über hundert Tote (gdn) / Live-Berichte (Blog) aus Libyen (alj) / HRW: 84 Tote in drei Tagen (hrw) / Jemen: HRW - Sechs Tote und hunderte von Verletzten nach acht Tagen Demonstrationen (hrw) / Palästina: Marwan Bishara (Aljazeera) kommentiert das Versagen des UNSC in der Siedlungsfrage (alj)

International Headlines [20.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: What Egypt's revolution means for Palestinians (gulfnews) / Book review: Our mysterious man on the Nile (jpost) / Listening Post - The Palestine Paper fallout (ytube)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: NY congressman concerned over security on Mount of Olives, East Jerusalem (972mag) / The real lesson of the tomb (haa) / Panel to consider applying Israel law to settlements (jpost) / Witnesses: Israel demolishes tents in West Bank village (maan) / Settlers uproot 220 olive trees near Nablus (maan) / Jewish settlers attack Palestinian village (pal-info) / Settlers attack Bedouins in Al-Aghwar (paltelegraph)

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Revolution [19.02.2011]

Revolution! Analyse: Arabische Jugend, Ihr dürft jetzt nicht nachlassen (gdn) / Erneut große Proteste in Bahrain, Jemen, Libyen und Irak (wsws) / Massenproteste im Nahen Osten breiten sich aus. Washington beruhigt Israel und die arabischen Diktatoren (wsws) / Fokus Nahost ( / Ägypten:: Ägyptens neuer Frühling und die Lehren aus der Vergangenheit (alj) / Das ägyptische Militär verfügt über ein riesiges Geschäftsimperium (wsws) / Die Anatomie der Revolution (Teil 2) (cp) / Israel: M. Warschawski - Israels Führung fürchtet die arabische Demokratien (trn) / Bahrain: Sicherheitskräfte schiessen Demonstranten zusammen (alj) / Blut auf den Strassen Bahrains (R. Amiri, cp) / Der Mubarak am Golf - König Hamad (aw) / Libyen: Medien-Blackout nach Massakern (gdn) / Tödliche Zusammenstösse zwischen Demonstranten und der Polizei (gdn) / Libyen zwingt Stipendiaten im Ausland zu Pro-Gadhafi-Protesten (alj) / Jordanien: Perspektive einer Demokratiebewegung in Jordanien (aik) / Tunesien: Gründung des "Rates zur Verteidigung der Revolution" (aik) / Saudi Arabien: Nächster Halt - Saudi Arabien (P. Escobar, atimes)

International Headlines [19.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Maybe Gaza should paddle its own canoe (intifada-palestine) / Al-Tariq: A dialogue with occupation, colonization, and apartheid! (pacbi)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Families forced out as army occupies Jerusalem rooftop (ei) / Negev Bedouin list: Peace resistance, arrests and shootings continue (groups) / Hague urges direct Mideast talks after US veto (yahoo) / US restricts staff movement in Palestinian areas (yahoo) / Palestinians say US veto does not serve peace (yahoo) / US vetoes UN resolution on Israeli settlements (google) / Israel 'deeply appreciates' US veto on UN resolution condemning settlements (haa) / US: Veto on UN draft is not endorsement of settlement construction (haa) / Edelstein bids to force Barak to end 'silent freeze' (jpost) / Human Rights Watch blasts settlement veto (maan) / AIPAC applauds US veto of settlement resolution (maan) / Fury after US vetoes UN settlement resolution (maan) / West Bank protest after US vetoes UN resolution (maan) / PLO to make fresh UN anti-settlement bid (maan) / Notices of land confiscation to the west of al-Khalil (pal-info) / Report: Israel sold 1,400 West Bank settlement homes in 2010 (pal-info) / OPT: Demolitions, drought and displacement in West Bank Area C (trust) / 'Death to Arabs' spray-painted in village (ynet)

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Revolution [18.02.2011]

Revolution! Analyse: Der Sturz der Despoten ist erst der Anfang (gdn) / Ägypten:: Anatomie der Revolution (cp) / Jordanien: Obama stellt sich hinter die Monarchie (lat) / Bahrain: Kein Konflikt, viele Interessen (gdn) / Herrscher setzt auf ausländische Söldner (gdn) / Auf Bahrains 'Tahrir'-Platz (atim) / Druck wird den Widerstand verstärken (gdn) / Sicherheitskräfte erschiessen vier Demonstranten (gdn) / Libyen: Libyen schlägt Proteste in Banghazi nieder (gdn) / Jemen: Druck auf Präsident Saleh wächst (gdn) / Palästina: HRW - Schläger und Polizisten der PA attackieren Demonstranten (hrw) / HRW - Keine Gerechtigkeit für Folteropfer der PA (hrw) / Fayyad und Abbas müssen ebenfalls zurücktreten (alj)

International Headlines [18.02.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: US vs UN on Israeli Settlements (alj) / Bulldozers raze confiscated farmland in Sheikh Jarrah (silwan) / UN resolutions wrong for Mideast peace: Clinton (yahoo) / Palestinians nix US bid to avoid UN settlement vote (AFP) (yahoo) / UN set to vote on settlement resolution; U.S. set to veto (haa) / Army Demolishes A Mosque Near Tubas (imc) / Society: Israel confiscates land near Hebron (maan)

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International Headlines [17.02.2011]

International HeadlinesSiedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: JNF helps Negev Bedouin (google-groups) / Israeli colonial plans a declaration of war against Palestinians (gulfnews) / The Jewish National Fund and GOD TV’s Pogrom Against Al Arakib Continues (maxblum) / 7 hours ago in Al Arakib (onlydemcy) / Israel Demolishes El Arakib Village for 18th Time, Shoots and Detains Bedouin Residents (aic-news) / Arabs Reject U.S. Deal to Push Israel on Settlements (businessweek) / U.S. pushing Palestinians to drop UN resolution on settlement construction (haa) / Israeli bulldozers demolish 20 shelters in Tubas (maan)

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Nahostberichtertattung: Salam Fayyad folgt auf Salam Fayyad - taz sieht einen 'Umbruch' [15.02.2011]

Fayyad folgt auf Fayyad - taz sieht einen 'Umbruch' Nachdem der Sturm der Ereignisse in Ägypten etwas abgeflaut ist, und alle die Rochade in Kairo - die den Diktator durch ein undurchsichtiges Gremium aus seinen Generälen ersetzt hat - als Sieg der Demokratie bejubeln - kehrt nun auch die bleierne Zeit in die taz zurück.

Nachdem in Ramallah die Regierung zurückgetreten ist, und Salam Fayyad auf - wer hätte es gedacht - Salam Fayyad folgt, kommt die Nahostkorrespondentin der taz zu dem surrealen Schluss Umbruch erreicht das Westjordanland.

Immerhin gibt es in der taz noch Überrese von Sachverstand - in Person von Georg Baltissen - der ganz richtig Mehr Rücktritte bitte fordert.

Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [15.02.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Averny: “Tsunami in Ägypten” (Quelle) / Alison Weir: “Ägypten, die USA und die Israel-Lobby” (Quelle) / Adam Keller: “Das Dorf, der Wald und ein bisschen über Gott” (Quelle) / popular struggle: “"Die Straflosigkeit demontieren" Kampagne, um palästinensischen Opfern gegen den israelischen Militärterror zu helfen ” (Quelle) / Electronic Intifada: “Palästinenser verhaftet, Preise steigen, der Rafahübergang bleibt geschlossen. Gaza nach ägyptischen Unruhen ” (Quelle) / Nir Hasson, Haaretz: “Gericht ordnet an, dass die Regierung dafür sorgen muss, dass Ost-Jerusalmer Kinder die Schule besuchen können” (Quelle) / Saed Bannoura: “UN verurteilt die israelische Zerstörung des palästinensischen Wassersystems” (Quelle)

International Headlines [14.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Israel and the sudden return of land for peace (haa) / For Palestinian police in West Bank, Israel is still laying down the law (haa)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israel to build more East Jerusalem homes (yahoo) / Beit Ummar residents say harassed by settlers (maan) / IOA planning establishment of 19 synagogues in OJ (pal-info)

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International Headlines [12.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: The Palestinian parallels (mweiss) / A big leap for the Israeli psyche (haa) / Tsunami in Egypt (zope.gush-shalom)
Politik & Internationale Beziehungen: Erekat quits over Palestine Papers (alj) / Palestinians call for elections by September (yahoo) / Top US military officer to visit Israel after Mubarak's ouster (haa) / Arab League chief to quit in coming weeks (maannews.)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Photoessay: Demonstration against settler marathon in Hebron (972mag) / Israel army shuts down Hebron rally (maan) / Clashes erupt in Jerusalem (maan)

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International Headlines [11.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Book review: The makings of history - Army speak (haa) / Hypocrisy is exposed by the winds of change (indp)
Politik & Internationale Beziehungen: Palestinian FM accuses some European countries of hindering EU Mideast involvement ( / UN rights head raps Israel over settlements impact (yahoo)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: 'Settler marathon' to pass through Hebron for 1st time - Noam Sheizaf (972mag) / In wake of fourth demolition, Tana villagers vow to rebuild (pnn) / Frozen out in the West Bank (huffpo) / Jerusalem MPs hold Palestinian Authority complicit in the Judaization of the holy city (mideastmon) / Tadhamon: Israel demolishes 27 Palestinian structures in January (pal-info)

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International Headlines [09.02.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik & Diplomatie: Netherlands could be safe haven for war criminals: leaked memo (ei) / Authority to complain against Al Jazeera (gulfnews) / Hague warns Israel to soften rhetoric (indp) / Israel's Barak in US for top-level talks (maan)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Village and forest and a bit about God (adam-keller2) / Eviction orders issued to Bedouin families in Jerusalem (silwan) / New settlement built in Negev to Judaise area (aic-news) / Rawabi developer to replace trees donated by JNF (maan) / Red Cross tents demolished in village (maan) / Civil Administration destroys caravans in West Bank outpost (ynet)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [08.02.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

U. Avnery: “Eine Villa im Dschungel” (Quelle) / G. Levy: “Die ägyptischen Massen wollen nicht weiter die Verbündeten Israels spielen” (Quelle) / A. Keller: “Von der Dunkelheit zum Licht” (Quelle) / H. Shaalan: “Die israelischen Araber: wir wollen keine Versuchskaninchen sein” (Quelle) / S. Bannoura: “Armee konfisziert 600 Dunum nahe Hebron” (Quelle) / A. Hass: “Wenn Israels Schutznetz der Tyrannei zerreißt” (Quelle)

International Headlines [07.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: In Mideast, US backing means absolute power (haa) / A US accepted by the Arab world is good for Israel (haa) / It will not happen to us (haa) / Multiculturalism - Arab, that is (haa) / Palestine is the key to Arab democracy (maan) / Made in America - the People's Revolution (mideastmon)
Politik & Diplomatie: Abbas, Abdullah meet as region remains in turmoil (maan) / Hamas says Gaza cabinet shuffle still on books (maan) / Haneyya: Gaza will not detract from Jordan's sovereignty (pal-info)

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taz-Berichterstattung zu Ägypten erstaunlich unorthodox [05.02.2011]

taz-Berichterstattung zu Ägypten erstaunlich unorthodox Die taz, die in Sachen Nahost eine Korrespondentin beschäftigt, die sich schlicht als Sprachrohr der israelischen Armee und Regierung betätigt, macht zu den Entwicklungen in Ägypten einen vergleichsweise guten Job.

Wer sich des Englischen nicht so sicher ist, und dem Grimmigen Araber nicht folgen kann, dem raten wir ersatzweise zur taz->Nahost, auch wenn deren Analysen natürlich eine radikale Kritik am westlichen Hegemonialanspruch ausschliessen.

Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [04.02.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avnery: “Der Al-Jazeera–Skandal” (Quelle) / Evelyn Hecht-Galinski: “Ausverkauf der Vichy-Regierung in Ramallah” (Quelle) / Amira Hass: “Die Zerstörung palästinensischer Häuser in Zone C hat sich verdreifacht” (Quelle) / Amira Hass: “Die wirkliche palästinensische Konzession” (Quelle) / Dr. David Halpin: “Das systematische Erschießen von Jungen bei der Arbeit im Gazastreifen durch Scharfschützen der Israelischen Besatzungsmacht” (Quelle)

International Headlines [04.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Twilight Zone: A tale of love and darkness (haa) / When it comes to Arabs, Israel knows only what it wants to (haa) / A second chance (haa) / Israel and Palestine: Breaking the silence (nybooks) / Book: Israeli Rejectionism , Zalman Amit & Daphna Levit (
Politik & Diplomatie: UN rights chief to visit Israel (yahoo) / Palestinian Authority to seek less aid in 2011 (yahoo) / Israel, Palestinians float Gaza gas rapprochement (yahoo) / Palestinian PM: Palestinian issues sparking unrest (denverpost)

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International Headlines [01.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: A Palestinian state within the 1967 borders: settlements vs. sovereignty / Philip C. Wilcox (usa.mediamonitors) / Palestinian Authority's back to wall after Al Jazeera revelations (thenational) / 'Economic peace' betrays the hand of a grasping Israeli right (thenational)
Politik & Diplomatie: Livni warns Merkel regional instability may be exploited by Irant (haa) / Likud activists in West Bank get cash bonus to recruit members (haa) / Suriname recognizes Palestinian state (maan) / Netanyahu: World must demand Egypt respects Israeli peace (maan) / South African Embassy meets with Hamas MPs in Ramallah (pal-info) / Merkel: Israel missing historic opportunity (ynet)

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International Headlines [31.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers - Politik & Diplomatie: Qurei: "Occupy the crossing" (dp-news) / Palestinian negotiators must not take key decisions on our behalf (gdn) / Merkel: Israel-Palestinian talks must move forward in light of Egypt riots (haa) / Al-Ahmad: Abbas considering holding elections (maan) / African Union declares support for Palestine (maan)
Analyse & Meinung: Can the Palestinian Authority survive? (dissidentvoice) / How long before American media takes these 4 Egyptian lessons to Israel? (mweiss) / Israel's human rights abuses in the name of security (gdn) / An Arab revolution fueled by methods of the West (haa)

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International Headlines [29.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers - Reaktionen: Dahlan suspected of leaking documents, Abbas thinking of resigning (abna) / Gaza protests accuse Palestinian Authority of betrayal in talks with Israel (gdn) / Al Jazeera leaks - who are the winners and losers? (haa) / The Guardian Mideast editor: Nothing in the Palestine papers smacks of forgery (haa) / Israel will never get a better deal than the one it rejected (haa) / The real Palestinian concession (haa) / PA official denies involvement in assassination (maan) / Backlash, confusion over leaked documents (maan) / Palestinian officials analyze fall-out of Palestine Papers (maan) / Al Jazeera why now? (maan) / Islamic Jihad: Resistance over negotiations (maan) / Palestinians protest over Al-Jazeera leaks (maan) / Friday sermons in West Bank slam Al-Jazeera (maan) / Erekat: Special committee investigating Al-Jazeera leaks (maan) / The Palestine Papers: A fact-based play in one act (salon) / Fear and the Palestine Papers (uruk) / The Aljazeera scandal (zope.gush-shalom)

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International Headlines [28.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers - Reaktionen: PA undermined accountability for Gaza victims (ei) / The Palestine Papers: "The region is slipping away" (alj) / Paraguay recognizes 'free' Palestinian state (AFP) (yahoo) / Palestinian distrust of Iran revealed in leaked papers (gdn) / Palestinians preventing Middle East peace deal, says Israeli deputy PM (gdn) / Netanyahu preps peace-building measures for PA ahead of expected criticism from Quartet (haa) / Former head of Israeli intelligence says security coordination with the PA included field operations (mideastmon)
Palästinsische Reaktionen: Palestinian students claim right "to participate in shaping of our destiny" (ei) / Al-Jazeera correspondent in Ramallah resigns (maan)
The Palestine Papers - Reaktionen der PA: The buffoon is losing his mind, literally (angry) / Sa'ib `Uraykat: a world buffoon (angry) / Erekat condemns Palestine Papers (ytube)

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International Headlines [27.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers: In the interview on Aljazeera, the host, Ahmad Mansour, started the show by asking `Urayqat to not lie (angry) / A glimpse into the negotiation room (alj) / The threat of a one-state solution (alj) / Erekat "told Amr Moussa to behave" (alj) / "The region is slipping away" (alj) / PA's foreknowledge of the Gaza war? (alj) / Palestine Papers: Admiral Mullen says Palestinian state is a U.S. ‘cardinal interest’ after raising troop deaths (mweiss) / Israelis asked PA to outlaw Hamas: report (AFP) (yahoo) / Gaza war report was stalled by Palestinian Authority on US request (gdn) / The Palestine papers: suicide attack goads Israeli negotiators (gdn) / The Palestine papers: US envoy hears Palestinian frustrations (gdn)
The Palestine Papers - Analysen: Documents reveal PA-Israeli collaboration to target resistance (ei) / The PA vs. Al Jazeera (alj) / Palestinians: Don't Get Mad, Get Even (palchron) / Palestinian Negotiators Must Tell All (palchron) / The "Corrupt Betrayers" of the Palestinian People (cpunch) / Palestine Papers: If US can't be 'honest broker' in Middle East, get out of the way (csmon) / Ehud Olmert gives account of key meeting with Palestinian president (gdn)

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International Headlines [26.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers - Analysen: Leaks claim Palestinian 'collusion' (alj) / A letter to the Israeli people (alj) / The truth that the ‘Palestine Papers’ has broken into the mainstream: Israel is the obstacle to peace (mweiss) / Palestine Papers: Israel's Peacemakers Unmasked, Jonathan Cook - Nazareth (palchron) / The Palestine Papers: Offering Palestine (palchron) / Diana Buttu on the Palestine Papers - Diana Buttu on the Palestine Papers (palestinetoday.tumblr) / Palestine papers: More nations floated for Palestinian resettlement (csmon) / Possible source of Palestine papers leak (csmon) / The view on the ground of the Palestine papers | Laila El-Haddad (gdn) / The Palestinian cause has been betrayed. But no more | Osama Hamdan (gdn) / Robert Fisk: A new truth dawns on the Arab world (indp) / Al-Jazeera becomes focus of leaked documents debate (maan) / Clayton Swisher - Al Jazeera's Palestine Papers Specialist (ytube)

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International Headlines [25.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers: Deep frustrations with Obama (alj) / A dangerous shift on 1967 lines (alj) / Jordan, PLO clash on refugee issue (alj) / Misunderstanding Israeli motives (alj) / "We can't refer to the past" (alj) / PA selling short the refugees (alj) / Qurei to Livni: "I'd vote for you" (alj) / Barack Obama lifts then crushes Palestinian peace hopes (gdn) / Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America (gdn) / Palestine papers: Condoleezza Rice (gdn) / Palestine papers: George Mitchell (gdn) / Palestine papers: Tal Becker, The Israeli negotiator in 2008 held detailed talks with his Palestinian counterpart Saeb Erekat on the refugee issue (gdn) / Palestinian negotiators accept Jewish state (gdn) / Palestinians agreed only 10,000 refugees could return to Israel (gdn) / Papers reveal how Palestinian leaders gave up fight over refugees (gdn) / US threat to Palestinians: change leadership and we cut funds (gdn) / The Palestine papers: 'You want to help Hamas?' (gdn) / The Palestine papers: Abbas admits refugee return 'illogical' (gdn) / The Palestine papers: 'Netanyahu is a master of ambiguity' (gdn) / Netanyahu's aides: Leaked papers prove Palestinian demands for Jerusalem are 'ridiculous' (haa) / Palestinian map of dividing Jerusalem 'out of touch with reality' (haa) / Palestinians agreed to have settlers live under their rule (haa) / Al-Jazeera documents are authentic, claims former Olmert adviser (mideastmon) / Zahhar calls for massive rallies, Khatib blasts PA concessions (pal-info) / Lieberman criticizes Olmert for not exploiting PA generous concessions (pal-info) / Condi Rice on the Naqba: “Bad things happen to people all the time” (promisedland) / PA official: Leaked memos authentic (ynet) / Al Jazeera English Video: Senior PLO official Nabil Shaath interview (ytube) / Al Jazeera English Video: The Palestine Papers: Obama envoy shunned Bush parameters (ytube) / Al Jazeera English Video: Palestine Papers anger East Jerusalem residents (ytube) / Al Jazeera English Video: The Palestine Papers: Refugees' right of return on bargaining table (ytube)

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International Headlines [24.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers: Abu `Ala' on Nayif Hawatimah (angry) / Aljazeera Leaks (angry) / Olmer's solution to the "refugee problem" (angry) / "The biggest Yerushalayim" (alj) / The "napkin map" revealed (alj) / Erekat's solution for the Haram (alj) / Introducing The Palestine Papers (alj) / Glossary (alj) / Frequently asked questions (alj) / "Shocking revelations" on Jerusalem (alj) / "Risks for peace" (alj) / Jerusalem and the Unraveling of "the Peace Process Industry" (pnn) / Al Jazeera publishes bombshell leak concerning the peace process; ex-CIA official ‘The overwhelming conclusion one draws from this record is that the process for a two-state solution is essentially over’ and Adam Horowitz (mweiss) / American intifadah: We shake off the neocons (mweiss) / The stark reality of the ‘Palestine Papers’ points the way forward (mweiss) / Palestine papers: Will a big scoop change business as usual? (csmon) / Meeting Minutes: Post-Annapolis Plenary Session on Territory: Summary (alj) / Meeting Minutes: Borders with Erekat, Qurei and Livni: Summary (alj) / Meeting Minutes: 8th Meeting on Territory: Summary (alj) / Meeting Minutes: Trilateral - United States, Israel and Palestine: Summary (alj) / Summary of Ehud Olmert’s “Package” Offer to Mahmoud Abbas - August 31 (alj) / Rashid Khalidi: Leaked "Palestine Papers" Underscore Weakness of Palestinian Authority, Rejectionism of Israel and U.S. (demnow) / This seemingly endless and ugly game of the peace process is now finally over | Karma Nabulsi (gdn) / Palestine papers: Now we know. Israel had a peace partner (gdn) / The Palestinian papers: Pleading for a fig leaf | Editorial (gdn) / Palestine papers: Editor's note (gdn) / Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process (gdn) / Palestine papers: live updates (gdn) / US embassy cables: Israel discusses Gaza and West Bank with US (gdn) / Leaked document shows what the Palestinian Authority really thinks of Netanyahu (haa) / Two decades of secret Israeli-Palestinian accords leaked to media worldwide (haa) / 'Palestinians agreed to cede nearly all Jewish areas of East Jerusalem' (haa) / MJ Rosenberg: Palestinian Papers: What the Al Jazeera Blockbuster Means (huffpo) / Aljazeerah’s Leaks Reveal Sham ‘Peace Process,’ Israeli Stonewalling (juancole) / 'What more can I give?' (maan) / Palestine Papers Reveal more than just Scandal, Joharah Baker for MIFTAH (miftah) / Al Jazeera English Video: Swapping land in East Jerusalem (ytube) / Al Jazeera interviews Abdel Bari Atwan (ytube) / Erekat's act equals up to treason: Political analyst (ytube) / English Al Jazeera Video: Discussing the Palestine Papers Pt 1 (ytube) / English Al Jazeera Video: Discussing the Palestine Papers Pt 3 (ytube) / English Al Jazeera Video: Discussing the Palestine Papers Pt 2 (ytube) / English Al Jazeera Video: "The biggest Yerushalayim in Jewish history" (ytube) /  (ytube) / English Al Jazeera Video: Creativity on the Haram (ytube)

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International Headlines [23.01.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: If Israel continues to quash nonviolent protest without sanction will conclude that nonviolence is an ineffective path to freedom Horowitz (mweiss) / For the wrong reasons (haa) / Barak Unmasked (antiwar) / Fight against Iran nukes has nothing to do with Israel (haa) / My Khan Younis (mweiss)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Obama will not veto UN resolution condemning settlements (ahram) / Lieberman drafts own map of future Palestinian borders (haa) / Lieberman's 'solution': Palestinians will be forced to live on 13% of their original land (imc) / Erekat: Lieberman's reported map of Palestinian state is a 'joke' (haa) / Discussion on Gilo construction project put off (ynet) / Olmert: During my term there was no dispute over construction (ynet) / Two settlers, detained by PA police in Nablus, handed over to Israel (imc) / PA returns settlers who entered Nablus (maan) / Farming in Khoruba Valley (kibush) / West Bank village in Area C blocked from modern life (istockanalyst) / Jordan Valley, zone of silent Israeli-Palestinian conflict (xinhua)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [22.01.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Adam Keller: “Wir sind nicht loyal - angesichts einer Regierung von Rassisten!” (Quelle) / Hithabrut-Tarrabut: “Die Al-Arakib-Bewohner vertrieben, um Platz für Bäume zu machen” (Quelle) / Rachel Cooke: “'Das Blut eurer Schwestern ist nicht umsonst geflossen.' Izzeldin Abuelaish, Gaza-Arzt ” (Quelle) / Carlo Strenger: “Israels Rechte hat Augen und sieht nicht, hat Ohren und hört nicht” (Quelle) / Palestine Solidarity Projekt: “Israelisches Militär verhaftete vier Kinder bei Hebron (Beit Ommar)” (Quelle) / Alison Weir: “In den Kopf geschossen - Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall und palästinensische Kinder” (Quelle) / Alan Hart: “Wenn sich Obama zuerst um die Eigeninteressen der USA kümmern würde ... ” (Quelle) / Vera Macht: “"Wenn das Meer nicht wäre"” / Uri Avneri: “Die Welt ist kein Golem” (Quelle)

International Headlines [22.01.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: In the line of duty (haa) / British double standard on recognizing Palestine lets Israel off the hook (mweiss) / Why did Rahm Emanuel take his family to the occupied Golan last spring? (mweiss) / Free speech, Caroline's glitch, and other Jerusalem Post ditties (972mag) / Israel: the ugly truth (uruk) / Who's afraid of the Palestinians? / Hussein Agha & Robert Malley (nybooks) / Can the PA tackle corruption? (ahram) / Israel's first step to Mideast peace: opening the door (haa) / Palestinians find freedom in the surf of Gaza (maan) / The beautiful life in Gaza (mweiss)
Politik & Diplomatie: French FM continues regional tour in Egypt (maan) / EU 'deplores' Israeli violation of activist rights (maan) / UN chief: Settlements hamper peace talks (ynet) / UN urges halt to ugly Israeli-Palestinian rhetoric (yahoo) / Israeli tribute to Palestinian Authority support 'confirms threat to West Bank Palestinians' (mideastmon) / Direct Palestinian-Israeli meeting predicted (mideastmon) / After failed peace talks, US aid to Israel questioned (minnpost)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: IOA bars Palestinians from prayers at Ibrahimi mosque (pal-info) / Clashes in Shufat enter their third day running (silwan) / Resumed clashes in Silwan (silwan) / New life for Tabitha (haa)

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International Headlines [21.01.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Ex-Jerusalem pol asks the US ‘to intervene to keep the current Israeli Government from driving off a cliff’ (mweiss) / ‘Israeli occupation as brutal as Nazis” — Elkana, Holocaust survivor (mweiss) / MSM self-censorship on the Israel issue (mweiss) / ‘Neocon radicals overthrew the US gov’t'– Sy Hersh (No, not in The New Yorker) (mweiss) / Oasis of Peace Blossoms in Israel, To An Extent (antiwar) / Serving Up Palestine One Slice at a Time (palchron) / For Europe, timidity is the norm on Israeli-Palestinian peace (dstar) / US: Should Recognize State of Palestine In 2011 (huffpo) / Winners of Israeli Apartheid Video Contest (kabob) / The tragedy of the two-state solution (mideastmon) / Palestinians, America and the U.N. (nyt) / Recognition: Impossible?U.K. Opposes Palestine on Same Grounds It Accepts Israel (sleepinamrca) / Rabbis boycott grooms with cell phones (ynet)
Politik: Interview: Erekat: Netanyahu's choice of settlement over peace terminates Mideast talks (xinhua) / Ex Blair aide: U.K. believed Netanyahu was untrustworthy (haa) / U.K. will not recognize unilateral Palestinian state (haa) / Barghouti says Israel is no partner for peace (jpost) / Hamas blasts PA for 'blackmailing' woman (maan) / PA blasts Israeli campaign to 'blame others' (maan) / Obama envoys hope to preserve Israeli 'military edge' (maan) / PLO to US: Negotiations not a substitute for int`l law (maan)

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International Headlines [20.01.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Police non-state in Palestine (angry) / The occupation: it’s about controlling land and space (jodana) / Citing‘nationalsecurity,’ coalition of realists and liberals (Freeman-Zogby-Beinart)call on Obama to condemn settlements (mweiss) / Lizzy Ratner and Laila El-Haddad discuss The Goldstone Report on GRITtv (mweiss) / Death and Birth in Gaza: A Story of a Shepherd (palchron) / When and where will Israel’s Tucson be? (onlydemcy) / Israel can't stop Palestinian independence (haa) / Haneyya's page removed from Facebook (pal-info)
Politik: Shin Bet Chief Calls for Border Drawing Before Recognition from Spain (pnn) / Israeli foreign ministry dismisses Russian statement on Palestinian statehood (xinhua) / Abbas orders release of Hamas woman prisoner (AFP) (yahoo) / Russia, Jordan vow to achieve an independent Palestinian state (haa) / Labor MK Cabel to Netanyahu: We give you Barak as a gift (haa) / PA: Municipal elections will be in West Bank only (maan)

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International Headlines [19.01.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Democratic for Jews, Jewish for everyone else (jodana) / Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and the silence of friends (mweiss) / ‘Goldstone’ becomes a punchline on the Israeli Supreme Court (mweiss) / Now Jennifer Rubin says that ‘J Street’ is anti-Semitic (mweiss) / State Declaration: The Palestinians’ agonizing choices (mweiss) / Zionist Left Writes Its Own Obituary (palchron) / PA Institutions Essential to Occupation Infrastructure (palchron) / Helen Thomas on the perils of criticizing Israel in the US media (pulse) / Who will be the next to recognize an independent Palestinian state? (haa) / Obama Depicted As Bin Laden, Orthodox Jew On T-Shirts In Jerusalem (VIDEO) (huffpost) / Israel’s Right Wing Future (infoclear)
Politik: Palestinians raise flag at Washington office (AP) (yahoo) / U.S. push for Israeli, Palestinian intelligence: WikiLeaks (Reuters) (yahoo) / Israelis see Barak's Labor exit as ploy to keep job: poll (dstar) / Foreign Ministry sanctions save Netanyahu, Lieberman from coping with Russia's slap in the face (haa) / Law allows Israel to arrest Gaza man minutes after his release (pal-info) / Shin Bet: Palestinians moving to no man's land around Jerusalem (ynet) / Barak's move enrages Arab Labor members (ynet)

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Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [18.01.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Avneri: “Die Krone und die Kohlen” (Quelle) / Adam Keller: “Irren ist menschlich” (Quelle) / Richard Falk: “Kommentar zur Stuttgarter Erklärung” (Quelle) / Noam ben Zeev: “Heute ein Orchester – morgen ein palästinensischer Staat” (Quelle) / Ilan Pappe: “Kommentar zur Stuttgarter Konferenz und Stuttgarter Erklärung” / Noreen Sadik: “Palästinensisches Orchester spielt harmonische Töne” (Quelle) / Israelis gegen die Besatzung: “Israelischer Aktivist Jonathan Pollak zu drei Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt: "Ich gehe mit hocherhobenem Kopf ins Gefängnis"” (Quelle)

Nahostberichterstattung: "taz? nein danke" (II) [10.01.2011]

taz-Auslassungen: 'Grund für die Misere [in Gaza] ist die unfreiwillige Misswirtschaft, die wiederum Folge der dramatischen Überbevölkerung ist.' Erst unlängst hatten wir hier behauptet, dass die taz sich durchgängig als Sprachrohr der israelischen Armee und Regierung betätige.
Wem diese Behauptung und die, dass nahezu kein Artikel aus der Feder der taz-Nahost-Korrespondentin ohne Auslassungen, Halb- und Unwahrheiten auskäme, übertrieben erscheint, der möge sich dazu den neuesten Beitrag zur Wasserversorgung in Gaza - "Am Wasserhahn vergiftet" - ansehen.
(Besonders 'gelungen' ist dabei die Arbeit der taz-Bild-Redaktion, deren perfide Motivwahl die Qualität der Artikel im Regelfall noch einmal deutlich unterschreitet.)

In dem Beitrag findet die Korrespondentin folgenden Grund (!) für das Problem in Gaza: 'Grund für die Misere ist die unfreiwillige Misswirtschaft, die wiederum Folge der dramatischen Überbevölkerung ist.'.

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Ergänzende Links:
Israel aimed to keep Gaza economy on brink of collapse (haa)

Nachrichten aus Palästina, ausgewählt von Ellen Rohlfs [10.01.2011]

Nachfolgend finden Sie zumeist aktuelle Artikel zu Ereignissen rund um Israel/Palästina, allwöchentlich zusammengestellt und zumeist ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frau Ellen Rohlfs, der das IPK einen großen Teil seines Buchbestandes verdankt.

Uri Averny: “Hi, Joe!” (Quelle) + “Nominierung des 'Friedensdorf Bil'in' für den Aachener Friedenspreis” + Aya Kaniuk, Tamar Goldschmidt: “Der Richter der Kinder” (Quelle) + “Dr Eyad El-Sarraj, Präsident des Gaza Communitiy Mental Health Programmes, bekommt den Olaf Palme-Preis” (Quelle) + Evelyn Hecht-Galinski: “Feigheit vor dem Freund” + Antoine Raffoul: “Noch ein Jahr der zionistischen Agenda” (Quelle) + Gideon Levy: “Wann wird es illegal, ein Linker in Israel zu sein?” (Quelle) + Reuven Moskowitz: “Jahresrundbrief” + Susanne Knaul: “Gaza: Am Wasserhahn vergiftet”

Nahostberichterstattung: "taz? nein danke" [04.01.2011]

taz-Euphemismen: 'Am frühen Samstagmorgen folgte Jahawer Abu Rahmah ihrem Bruder Bassem in den Tod.' Wenn etwas die Berichterstattung der taz auszeichnet, dann ist das die Bereitwilligkeit, mit der sie sich als Sprachrohr der Besatzer, der israelischen Armee und Regierung betätigt.

Ein Artikel aus der Feder der Nahost-Korrespondentin der taz ohne Auslassungen, Halbwahrheiten, Unwahrheiten oder Apologien für die Verbrechen der Besatzer ist schlicht undenkbar. Gewürzt wird das ganze im allgemeinen durch Bilder und Titel, deren Schlagseite noch größer ist.

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List of demonstrators killed during protests against the Wall
Widerlegung der von der taz wiedergegebenen Behauptungen der isr. Armee zum Fall Jawahar Abu Rahmah

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