Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2012) / 2012060899

International Headlines [08.06.2012]

International HeadlinesSpotlight on Gaza: Gaza farmers rush to grow wheat under fear of Israeli fire (ei) / Water desalination projects to solve Gaza's problems: a wolf in sheep's clothing? (ei) / Gaza Live: How the internet has transformed news of Gaza and beyond (gdn) / Gaza Live: We Palestinians are reclaiming our destiny (gdn) / Segregating Gazans has made them easier to demonise (gdn) / Gaza Live -- editor's note (gdn) / Gaza Live: a snapshot of life amid blockades and daily gunfire (gdn) / Gaza live blog (gdn) / Daily life in Gaza -- in pictures (gdn) / Video -- Gaza beach: 'We suffocate in the city. Here we can breathe' (gdn) / Video -- Gaza fishermen: 'We are no longer fishermen, we have become traders' (gdn) / Video -- Gaza's schoolchildren: 'The good things about Gaza are the weather and the sea' (gdn) / Video -- Welcome to Gaza's zoo, where stuffed animals are the main attraction (gdn) / Video -- Gazan artist Maha al-Daya: 'I paint what I feel. I have nothing to do with politics' (gdn) / Palestinian killed in tunnel accident in Rafah (imc) / Trucks carrying Qatari fuel finally enter Gaza (maan) / Kiwi team off to Gaza with Malaysian & European partners (

Verhaftungen / Hungerstreiks / Willkürjustiz: Military judge acquits 2 Palestinians in 'unprecedented' case (maan) / RSF calls on Israel to free Hebron radio journalist (maan) / Jenin theater says PA arrest of director unlawful (maan) / Hunger-striking soccer player briefly hospitalized (maan) / Red Cross spokesman: 'No information about Gaza prisoners' visits' (mideastmon) / Visits for prisoners from Gaza to start on 20th June (pal-info) / IOF arrest 7 Palestinians in the West Bank (pal-info) / The release of the Jerusalemite captive Dargham Abu Sakran (pal-info)
Diebstahl & Zerstörung von Land und Besitz / Apartheid / Unterdrückung / Flüchtlinge: Farmer spurns Israel's cash offer, refuses to allow settlers on his land (ei) / Israeli bulldozers destroy six water wells in West Bank (wafa) / Israeli patrol harasses shoppers, and three Palestinians are arrested: justice? (silwan) / Al-Aqsa's Sheikh Bekerat released on bail as trial continues (silwan) / Imprisoned for civil disobedience against Israel's new 'apartheid' light rail system (silwan) / Youth on trial for clashes outside City of David (silwan) / Israel unmoved by US criticism of settlement plans in West Bank (dstar) / 'Israel wants to 'expand settlement into West Bank' (france24) / Visit Jerusalem's new Museum of Tolerance. Feel your blood boil (haa) / The settler behind shadowy purchases of Palestinian land in the West Bank (haa) / Twilight Zone -- After Ulpana ordeal, are Palestinian landowners close to justice? / Gideon Levy and Alec Levac (haa) / International Refugee Day: Palestinian Refugees issue at British Parliament (pal-info) / Netanyahu promotes settlement, calls the West Bank "ancestors' land" (pal-info) / Agricultural fields caught fire due to IOF bombing (pal-info) / Cars vandalized in Jewish-Arab village: 'Regards from Ulpana" (ynet)
Weitere Nachrichten und Kommentare: Be fruitful and multiply, then go to hell (haa) / Barak acknowledges Israeli cyberwarfare capability for first time; Shin Bet 'flamed' Israeli defense officials; computer (richardsilverstein) / Israelis nationwide report seeing UFO (ynet)
Gewalt / Razzien / Provokationen / Verhaftungen: Jewish settlers rampage through the West Bank (wafa) / PCHR Weekly Report: 3 killed, 23 wounded, including 8 children, by Israeli troops this week [31 May-6 June] (imc) / 3 detained; Israel raids ex-prisoner's house (maan)
Aktivismus & BDS: Electronic Intifada weekly podcast 7 June 2012 (ei) / Palestine Place brings resistance to the heart of London (ei) / Ahead of London Olympic Games, BDS campaign steps up pressure on security firm over West Bank activity (haa) / Government asked: Why are you allowing tainted G4S to handle Olympic security? (indp) / Avraham Burg: Even I, an Israeli, think settlement goods are not kosher (indp)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Israel to lock thousands of Africans in detention camp (al-akhbar) / Right sponsors self-defense course in south TA (ynet)
Politische Entwicklungen: Hamas official says Cairo deal moving forward (maan) / Haniyeh: Bomb plot targeted election HQ (maan) / Erekat calls Mofaz statement about borders and security 'unfounded red herring' (mideastmon) / PLO and Hamas call on UNRWA to seek new funding sources (mideastmon) / EU representative says no viable Palestinian state without Area 'C' (mideastmon) / Palestinian leader says he'll seek non-member status at UN unless talks with Israel resume (startribune) / France says Mideast peace process must relaunch (themalaysianinsider)



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